The Google Resume的第一句话是:

Just so you're clear: it was not my idea to give a talk to Microsoft Research.

其中的"just so you're clear"的含义是"只是希望你明白", 类似地还有"just so you know", "just so you'are aware".

What does 'just so you know' mean?

Just so you know is a pretty ordinary construction, as such things go in English.

Just = "only"
So is the ordinary adverb, employed in the sense "in order that"
"You know" = "you know", "you are aware of"


I provide this information (without being asked) in order that you may be aware of it and thus be spared embarrassment or inadvertent error.

"Just so you know" is nothing more than a snarky, passive aggressive phrase. It means "I don't feel obligated to explain myself to you, but since I want to have the last word and I'm too chicken to tell you to mind your own business, I'm going to explain myself and hope you don't realize that you're being disrespected and patronized. Just so you know." It's the same as saying "Just sayin..."

(of a person, words, or a mood) sharply critical; cutting; snide.
"the kid who makes snarky remarks in class"
cranky; irritable.
"Bobby's always a bit snarky before his nap"

passive aggressive:
Passive-aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.

看来"just so you know"不是一个那么让人舒服的说法?

拓展阅读: Three Passive-Aggressive Phrases to Avoid When Giving Feedback, 10 Things Passive-Aggressive People Say

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