the code below demonstates the principle of the'recursive-call' that the programing beginner may be confused with,and each demonstrate was followed by a screenshot:

the first part of the code called in the main:

 String s2 = toBinary2(6, sb);

the actual code:

 static String toBinary2(long n, StringBuilder sb)
if(n > 0)
toBinary2(n / 2, sb);
sb.append(n % 2);
return sb.toString();

the relevant screenshot:

figure 01 - to binary

the second part of the code called in the main:

 int sum = sum(100000);

the actual code:

 static int sum(int num)
if(num == 1)
return 1;
return num + sum(num - 1);

the correspond screenshot:

recursive - simple screenshot but detail principle.的更多相关文章

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