Problem Description
In ACM_DIY, there is one master called “Lost”. As we know he is a “-2Dai”, which means he has a lot of money.
Well, Lost use Ipad and IPhone to reward the ones who solve the following problem.
In this problem, we define F( n ) as :
Then Lost denote a function G(a,b,n,p) as

Here a, b, n, p are all positive integer!
If you could tell Lost the value of G(a,b,n,p) , then you will get one Ipad and one IPhone!
The first line is one integer T indicates the number of the test cases. (T <= 100)
Then for every case, only one line containing 4 positive integers a, b, n and p.
(1 ≤a, b, n, p≤2*109 , p is an odd prime number and a,b < p.)
Output one line,the value of the G(a,b,n,p) .
Sample Input
2 3 1 10007
2 3 2 10007
2 3 3 10007
2 3 4 10007
Sample Output
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#define LOCAL
const int MAXN = + ;
const int INF = 0x7fffffff;
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll mod;//代表取模的数字
ll check, a, b, n, p;
struct Matrix{
ll num[][];
//Matrix(){memset(num, 0, sizeof(num));}
Matrix Mod(Matrix A, Matrix B, ll k){
if (k == ){//代表两种不同的乘法
Matrix c;
memset(c.num, , sizeof (c.num));
for (ll i = ; i <= ; i++)
for (ll j = ; j <= ; j++)
for (ll k = ; k <= ; k++){
ll tmp = (A.num[i][k] * B.num[k][j]);
if (check) tmp %= (p - );
c.num[i][j] += tmp;
if (check) c.num[i][j] %= (p - );
if ((c.num[][] + c.num[][]) > (p - )) check = ;
return c;
}else if (k == ){
Matrix C;
memset(C.num, , sizeof(C.num));
for (ll i = ; i <= ; i++)
for (ll j = ; j <= ; j++)
for (ll k = ; k <= ; k++) {
C.num[i][j] += (A.num[i][k] * B.num[k][j]) % p;
C.num[i][j] = ((C.num[i][j] % p) + p) % p;
return C;
Matrix Matrix_pow(Matrix A, ll x, ll k){
if (x == ) return A;
Matrix tmp = Matrix_pow(A, x / , k);
if (x % == ) return Mod(tmp, tmp, k);
else return Mod(Mod(tmp, tmp, k), A, k);
ll get(ll x){
if (x == ) return ;
else if (x == ) return ;
Matrix A, B;
A.num[][] = ; A.num[][] = ;
A.num[][] = ; A.num[][] = ;
if (x == ) return ;
B = Matrix_pow(A, x, );
if (B.num[][] + B.num[][] > (p - )) check = ;
if (check == ) return B.num[][] + B.num[][];
else return (B.num[][] + B.num[][]) % (p - ) + p - ;
ll cal(ll a, ll b, ll pos){
if (pos == ) return % p;
else if (pos == ) return ( * (a + b)) % p;
Matrix A;
A.num[][] = ( * (a + b)) % p; A.num[][] = (((-(a - b) * (a - b)) % p) + p) % p;
A.num[][] = ; A.num[][] = ;
Matrix B;
B = Matrix_pow(A, pos, );
return (B.num[][] * A.num[][]) % p + (B.num[][] * ) % p;
ll pow(ll a, ll b){
if (b == ) return % p;
if (b == ) return a % p;
ll tmp = pow(a, b / );
if (b % == ) return (tmp * tmp) % p;
else return (((tmp * tmp) % p) * a) % p;
} int main(){
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
while (T--){
//for (int i = 1; i ,=)
scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld", &a, &b, &n, &p);
check = ;//判断f(n)是否大于p
ll pos = get(n);
ll Ans = cal(a, b, pos);
ll f1, f2;
f1 = (pow(a, (p - ) / ) + ) % p;
f2 = (pow(b, (p - ) / ) + ) % p;
Ans = (((f1 * f2) % p) * Ans) % p;
printf("%lld\n", Ans);
//p = 0x7fffffff;
//printf("%lld", get(5));
//for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) printf("%lld\n", get(i));
return ;


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