BZOJ 1009 GT考试
阿申准备报名参加GT考试,准考证号为N位数X1X2....Xn(0<=Xi<=9),他不希望准考证号上出现不吉利的数字。他的不吉利数学A1A2...Am(0<=Ai<=9)有M位,不出现是指X1X2...Xn中没有恰好一段等于A1A2...Am. A1和X1可以为0
第一行输入N,M,K.接下来一行输入M位的数。 100%数据N<=10^9,M<=20,K<=1000 40%数据N<=1000 10%数据N<=6
Sample Input
Sample Output
- #include<vector>
- #include<queue>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstdlib>
- using namespace std;
- #define maxm 25
- char buf[maxm];
- int n,m,rhl,ans;
- struct node
- {
- int a[maxm*maxm][maxm*maxm],n,m;
- node() {memset(a,,sizeof(a));n = m = ;}
- friend node operator *(node x,node y)
- {
- node z; z.n = x.n; z.m = y.m;
- int i,j,k;
- for (i = ;i <= z.n;++i)
- for (j = ;j <= z.m;++j)
- for (k = ;k <= x.m;++k)
- (z.a[i][j] += (long long)x.a[i][k]*(long long)y.a[k][j]%rhl)%=rhl;
- return z;
- }
- inline node quick(node x,int k)
- {
- node ret; ret.n = x.n; ret.m = x.m;
- for (int i = ;i <= ret.n;++i) ret.a[i][i] = ;
- for (;k;k>>=,x = x*x)
- if (k & )
- ret = ret*x;
- return ret;
- }
- inline void calc() { for (int i = ;i <= m;++i) (ans += a[][i])%=rhl; }
- }s;
- struct trie
- {
- int next[maxm][],fail[maxm],L,root;
- bool end[maxm];
- inline int newnode()
- {
- memset(next[L],-,sizeof(next[L]));
- return ++L-;
- }
- inline void init() {L = ; root = newnode();}
- inline void insert()
- {
- int len = strlen(buf),now = root,i;
- for (i = ;i < len;++i)
- {
- if (next[now][buf[i]-''] == -) next[now][buf[i]-''] = newnode();
- now = next[now][buf[i]-''];
- }
- end[now] = true;
- }
- inline void build()
- {
- int now = root,i; queue <int> team;
- fail[root] = root;
- for (i = ;i < ;++i)
- if (next[now][i] == -) next[now][i] = root;
- else fail[next[now][i]] = root,team.push(next[now][i]);
- while (!team.empty())
- {
- now = team.front(); team.pop();
- for (i = ;i < ;++i)
- if (next[now][i] == -) next[now][i] = next[fail[now]][i];
- else fail[next[now][i]] = next[fail[now]][i],team.push(next[now][i]);
- }
- }
- inline void ready()
- {
- vector <int> son[maxm]; queue <int> team; int i,now,v,nn;
- for (i = ;i < L;++i) if (fail[i] != i) son[fail[i]].push_back(i);
- team.push(root);
- while (!team.empty())
- {
- now = team.front(); team.pop();
- nn = son[now].size();
- for (i = ;i < nn;++i)
- {
- v = son[now][i];
- if (end[now]) end[v] = true;
- team.push(v);
- }
- }
- }
- inline void make()
- {
- int i,j; s.n = s.m = L;
- for (i = ;i < L;++i)
- {
- if (end[i]) continue;
- for (j = ;j < ;++j)
- if (!end[next[i][j]]) s.a[i+][next[i][j]+]++;
- }
- }
- }ac;
- int main()
- {
- freopen("","r",stdin);
- freopen("1009.out","w",stdout);
- scanf("%d %d %d\n",&n,&m,&rhl);
- ac.init();
- scanf("%s",buf); ac.insert();
-; ac.ready(); ac.make();
- s = s.quick(s,n); s.calc();
- printf("%d",ans);
- fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout);
- return ;
- }
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