  初始化三個數L=0/1, M=1/1, R=1/0,設輸入的分數為a:

  • 如果a<M,那麼要往左邊走,
        R = M;
        M = (L分子+M分子)/(L分母+M分母);
  • 如果a>M,往右邊走,
        L = M;
        M = (R分子+M分子)/(R分母+M分母);
  • 如果a==M,停止。
 #include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
struct fraction{
int M; // Molecular 分子
int D; // Denominator 分母
int main()
int m, n;
while(scanf("%d%d", &m, &n))
if(m == && n == ) break;
fraction L = {, }, M = {, }, R = {, }; while(){
long double t1 = (long double) m / n, t2 = (long double)M.M / M.D;
if(t1 < t2) {
R = M;
M.M += L.M;
M.D += L.D;
else if(t1 > t2) {
L = M;
M.M += R.M;
M.D += R.D;
else { printf("\n"); break;}
return ;





tree(L, R, key) {

if(add(L+R)= key)return;

if(add(L+R)< key){

cout  << "R";


}else {

cout << "L";




 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; void tree(int Lx, int Ly, int Rx, int Ry, int Tx, int Ty)
if (Lx+Rx == Tx && Ly+Ry == Ty) {
if ((Lx+Rx)*Ty < (Ly+Ry)*Tx) {
tree(Lx+Rx, Ly+Ry, Rx, Ry, Tx, Ty);
}else {
tree(Lx, Ly, Lx+Rx, Ly+Ry, Tx, Ty);
} int main()
int n,m;
while (cin >> m >> n && !(m == && n == ))
tree(, , , , m, n);
return ;

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