header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
function getfirstchar($s0){
$fchar = ord($s0{0});
if($fchar >= ord("A") and $fchar <= ord("z") ){
return strtoupper($s0{0});
} $s1 = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312", $s0);
$s2 = iconv("gb2312","UTF-8", $s1); if($s2 == $s0){$s = $s1;}else{$s = $s0;}
$asc = ord($s{0}) * 256 + ord($s{1}) - 65536;
if($asc >= -20319 and $asc <= -20284) return "A";
if($asc >= -20283 and $asc <= -19776) return "B";
if($asc >= -19775 and $asc <= -19219) return "C";
if($asc >= -19218 and $asc <= -18711) return "D";
if($asc >= -18710 and $asc <= -18527) return "E";
if($asc >= -18526 and $asc <= -18240) return "F";
if($asc >= -18239 and $asc <= -17923) return "G";
if($asc >= -17922 and $asc <= -17418) return "I";
if($asc >= -17417 and $asc <= -16475) return "J";
if($asc >= -16474 and $asc <= -16213) return "K";
if($asc >= -16212 and $asc <= -15641) return "L";
if($asc >= -15640 and $asc <= -15166) return "M";
if($asc >= -15165 and $asc <= -14923) return "N";
if($asc >= -14922 and $asc <= -14915) return "O";
if($asc >= -14914 and $asc <= -14631) return "P";
if($asc >= -14630 and $asc <= -14150) return "Q";
if($asc >= -14149 and $asc <= -14091) return "R";
if($asc >= -14090 and $asc <= -13319) return "S";
if($asc >= -13318 and $asc <= -12839) return "T";
if($asc >= -12838 and $asc <= -12557) return "W";
if($asc >= -12556 and $asc <= -11848) return "X";
if($asc >= -11847 and $asc <= -11056) return "Y";
if($asc >= -11055 and $asc <= -10247) return "Z";
return null;
} function pinyin1($zh){
$ret = "";
$s1 = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312", $zh);
$s2 = iconv("gb2312","UTF-8", $s1);
if($s2 == $zh){$zh = $s1;}
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($zh); $i++){
$s1 = substr($zh,$i,1);
$p = ord($s1);
if($p > 160){
$s2 = substr($zh,$i++,2);
$ret .= getfirstchar($s2);
$ret .= $s1;
return $ret;
echo "这是中文字符串<br/>";
echo pinyin1('这是中文字符串');
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最近悟出来一个道理,在这儿分享给大家:学历代表你的过去,能力代表你的现在,学习代表你的将来. 十年河东十年河西,莫欺少年穷 学无止境,精益求精 本节探讨C#获取汉字拼音首字母的方法: 代码类东西, ...
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最近悟出来一个道理,在这儿分享给大家:学历代表你的过去,能力代表你的现在,学习代表你的将来. 十年河东十年河西,莫欺少年穷 学无止境,精益求精 本节探讨C#获取汉字拼音首字母的方法: 代码类东西, ...
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