A. Playing with Dice
time limit per test

1 second

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Two players are playing a game. First each of them writes an integer from 1 to 6, and then a dice is thrown. The player whose written number got closer to the number on the dice wins. If both payers have the same difference, it's a draw.

The first player wrote number a, the second player wrote number b. How many ways to throw a dice are there, at which the first player wins, or there is a draw, or the second player wins?


The single line contains two integers a and b (1 ≤ a, b ≤ 6) — the numbers written on the paper by the first and second player, correspondingly.


Print three integers: the number of ways to throw the dice at which the first player wins, the game ends with a draw or the second player wins, correspondingly.

Sample test(s)
2 5
3 0 3
2 4
2 1 3

The dice is a standard cube-shaped six-sided object with each side containing a number from 1 to 6, and where all numbers on all sides are distinct.

You can assume that number a is closer to number x than number b, if |a - x| < |b - x|.


int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int a, b;
while(~scanf("%d%d", &a, &b))
if(!((a + b) % ))
if(a == b)
printf("0 6 0\n");
else if(a < b)
printf("%d ", (a + b)/ - );
printf("1 ");
printf("%d\n", - (a+b)/);
printf("%d ", -(a+b)/);
printf("1 ");
printf("%d\n", (a+b)/ - );
if(a < b)
printf("%d ", (a + b)/);
printf("0 ");
printf("%d\n", - (a + b)/);
printf("%d ", -(a + b)/);
printf("0 ");
printf("%d\n", (a+b)/);
return ;


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