These are common Git commands used in various situations:

start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)

   clone  		Clone a repository into a new directory
init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one

work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)

   add			Add file contents to the index
mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index

examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)

   bisect 		Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
grep Print lines matching a pattern
log Show commit logs
show Show various types of objects
status Show the working tree status

grow, mark and tweak your common history

   branch 		List, create, or delete branches
checkout Switch branches or restore working tree files
commit Record changes to the repository
diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
merge Join two or more development histories together
rebase Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG

collaborate (see also: git help workflows)

   fetch  		Download objects and refs from another repository
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
push Update remote refs along with associated objects


  1. git log 常用命令及技巧

    git log常用命令以及技巧 1.git log 如果不带任何参数,它会列出所有历史记录,最近的排在最上方,显示提交对象的哈希值,作者.提交日期.和提交说明.如果记录过多,则按Page Up.Pag ...

  2. GIT 版本控制常用命令学习汇总

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  3. Git基本常用命令

    Git基本常用命令如下: mkdir: XX (创建一个空目录 XX指目录名) pwd: 显示当前目录的路径. git init 把当前的目录变成可以管理的git仓库,生成隐藏.git文件. git ...

  4. Git是什么、Git的功能、为什么versioncontrol用Git、Git的常用命令、Git的优缺点

    Git是什么 git是目前世界上最先进的分布式版本控制系统(没有之一). Git是用于 Linux内核开发的版本控制工具.与常用的版本控制工具 CVS, Subversion 等不同,它采用了分布式版 ...

  5. Git stash 常用命令

    参考: Git: How to look at the stash Git学习笔记05--git stash Git stash 常用命令 1.git stash: 保存当前的工作进度: 2.git ...

  6. Git 基础 —— 常用命令

    Git 基础学习系列 Git 基础 -- 安装 配置 别名 对象 Git 基础 -- 常用命令 Git 基础 -- 常见使用场景 Git基础 -- Github 的使用 git init 创建 Git ...

  7. git之常用命令

    git之常用命令 1.下载远程仓库最新代码 $ git pull --rebase origin master 2.上传代码 $ git push origin master 3.退出编辑 ESC + ...

  8. git的常用命令。。

    git的常用命令.. git help <command>  显示command的help git show  显示某次提交的内容 git show $id git co -- <f ...

  9. Git - Git基本常用命令

    Git基本常用命令 mkdir:         XX (创建一个空目录 XX指目录名) pwd:          显示当前目录的路径. git init          把当前的目录变成可以管理 ...


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