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/// <summary>
/// 类说明:Assistant
/// 编 码 人:苏飞
/// 联系方式:361983679
/// 更新网站:[url=http://www.cckan.net/thread-655-1-1.html]http://www.cckan.net/thread-655-1-1.html[/url]
/// </summary> using System;
using System.Globalization; namespace DotNet.Utilities
/// <summary>
/// BUBaseAppMessage
/// </author>
/// </summary>
public class AppMessage
/// <summary>
/// 提示信息.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0000 = "提示信息"; /// <summary>
/// 发生未知错误.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0001 = "发生未知错误。"; /// <summary>
/// 数据库联接不正常.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0002 = "数据库联接不正常。"; /// <summary>
/// WebService联接不正常.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0003 = "WebService 联接不正常。"; /// <summary>
/// 任何数据未被修改.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0004 = "任何数据未被修改。"; /// <summary>
/// 记录未找到,可能已被其他人删除.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0005 = "记录未找到,可能已被其他人删除。"; /// <summary>
/// 数据已被其他人修改,请按F5键,重新刷新获得数据.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0006 = "数据已被其他人修改,请按F5键,重新刷新获得数据。"; /// <summary>
/// '{O}'不允许为空,请输入.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0007 = "{0} 不允许为空,请输入。"; /// <summary>
/// {0} 已存在,不可以重复.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0008 = "{0} 已存在,不可以重复。"; /// <summary>
/// 新增成功.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0009 = "新增成功。"; /// <summary>
/// 更新成功.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0010 = "更新成功。"; /// <summary>
/// 保存成功.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0011 = "保存成功。"; /// <summary>
/// 批量保存成功.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0012 = "批量保存成功。"; /// <summary>
/// 删除成功.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0013 = "删除成功。"; /// <summary>
/// 批量删除成功.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0014 = "批量删除成功。"; /// <summary>
/// 您确认删除吗?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0015 = "您确认删除吗?"; /// <summary>
/// 您确认删除 '{0}'吗?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0016 = "您确认删除 {0} 吗?"; /// <summary>
/// 当前记录不允许被删除.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0017 = "当前记录不允许被删除。"; /// <summary>
/// 当前记录 '{0}' 不允许被删除.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0018 = "当前记录 {0} 不允许被删除。"; /// <summary>
/// 当前记录不允许被编辑,请按F5键,重新获取数据最新数据.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0019 = "当前记录不允许被编辑,请按F5键,重新获取数据最新数据。"; /// <summary>
/// 当前记录 '{0}' 不允许被编辑,请按F5键,重新获取数据最新数据.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0020 = "当前记录 {0} 不允许被编辑,请按F5键,重新获取数据最新数据。"; /// <summary>
/// 当前记录已是第一条记录.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0021 = "当前记录已是第一条记录。"; /// <summary>
/// 当前记录已是最后一条记录.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0022 = "当前记录已是最后一条记录。"; /// <summary>
/// 请至少选择一项.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0023 = "请选择一条记录。"; /// <summary>
/// 请至少选择一项 '{0}'.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0024 = "请至少选择一条记录。"; /// <summary>
/// '{0}'不能大于'{1}'.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0025 = "{0} 不能大于{1}。"; /// <summary>
/// '{0}'不能小于'{1}'.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0026 = "{0} 不能小于 {1}。"; /// <summary>
/// '{0}'不能等于'{1}'.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0027 = "{0} 不能等于 {1}。"; /// <summary>
/// 输入的'{0}'不是有效的日期.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0028 = "输入的 {0} 不是有效的日期。"; /// <summary>
/// 输入的'{0}'不是有效的字符.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0029 = "输入的 {0} 不是有效的字符。"; /// <summary>
/// 输入的'{0}'不是有效的数字.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0030 = "输入的 {0} 不是有效的数字。"; /// <summary>
/// 输入的'{0}'不是有效的金额.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0031 = "输入的 {0} 不是有效的金额。"; /// <summary>
/// '{0}'名不能包含:\ / : * ? " < > |
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0032 = "{0} 名包含非法字符。"; /// <summary>
/// 数据已经被引用,有关联数据在
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0033 = "数据已经被引用,有关联数据在。"; /// <summary>
/// 数据已经被引用,有关联数据在.是否强制删除数据?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0034 = "数据已经被引用,有关联数据在,是否强制删除数据?"; /// <summary>
/// {0} 有子节点不允许被删除.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0035 = "{0} 有子节点不允许被删除,有子节点还未被删除。"; /// <summary>
/// {0} 不能移动到 {1}.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0036 = "{0} 不能移动到 {1}。"; /// <summary>
/// {0} 下的子节点不能移动到 {1}.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0037 = "{0} 下的子节点不能移动到 {1}。"; /// <summary>
/// 确认移动 {0} 到 {1} 吗?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0038 = "确认移动 {0} 到 {1} 吗?"; /// <summary>
/// '{0}'不等于'{1}'.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0039 = "{0} 不等于 {1}。"; /// <summary>
/// {0} 错误.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0040 = "{0} 错误。"; /// <summary>
/// 确认审核通过吗?.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0041 = "确认审核通过吗?"; /// <summary>
/// 确认驳回吗?.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0042 = "确认审核驳回吗?"; /// <summary>
/// 成功锁定数据.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0043 = "不能锁定数据。"; /// <summary>
/// 不能锁定数据.
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0044 = "成功锁定数据。"; /// <summary>
/// 数据被修改提示
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0045 = "数据已经改变,想保存数据吗?"; /// <summary>
/// 最近 {0} 次内密码不能重复。
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0046 = "最近 {0} 次内密码不能重复。"; /// <summary>
/// 密码已过期,账户被锁定,请联系系统管理员。
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0047 = "密码已过期,账户被锁定,请联系系统管理员。"; /// <summary>
/// 数据已经改变,不保存数据?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0065 = "数据已经改变,不保存数据?"; public static string MSG0048 = "拒绝登录,用户已经在线上。";
public static string MSG0049 = "拒绝登录,网卡Mac地址不符限制条件。";
public static string MSG0050 = "拒绝登录,IP地址不符限制条件";
public static string MSG0051 = "已到在线用户最大数量限制。"; public static string MSG0060 = "请先创建该职员的登录系统的用户信息。"; /// <summary>
/// 您确认移除吗?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0075 = "您确认移除吗?"; /// <summary>
/// 您确认移除 '{0}'吗?
/// </summary>
public static string MSG0076 = "您确认移除 {0} 吗?"; public static string MSG0700 = "已经成功连接到目标数据。"; public static string MSG9800 = "值";
public static string MSG9900 = "公司";
public static string MSG9901 = "部门";
public static string MSG9956 = "未找到满足条件的记录。";
public static string MSG9957 = "用户名";
public static string MSG9958 = "数据验证错误。";
public static string MSG9959 = "新密码";
public static string MSG9960 = "确认密码";
public static string MSG9961 = "原密码";
public static string MSG9962 = "修改 {0} 成功。";
public static string MSG9963 = "设置 {0} 成功。";
public static string MSG9964 = "密码";
public static string MSG9965 = "登录成功。";
public static string MSG9966 = "用户没有找到,请注意大小写。";
public static string MSG9967 = "密码错误,请注意大小写。";
public static string MSG9968 = "登录被拒绝,请与管理员联系。";
public static string MSG9969 = "基础编码";
public static string MSG9970 = "职员";
public static string MSG9971 = "组织机构";
public static string MSG9972 = "角色";
public static string MSG9973 = "模块";
public static string MSG9974 = "文件夹";
public static string MSG9975 = "权限";
public static string MSG9976 = "代码";
public static string MSG9977 = "编号";
public static string MSG9978 = "名称";
public static string MSG9979 = "父节点代码";
public static string MSG9980 = "父节点名称";
public static string MSG9981 = "功能分类代码";
public static string MSG9982 = "唯一识别代码";
public static string MSG9983 = "主题";
public static string MSG9984 = "内容";
public static string MSG9985 = "状态码";
public static string MSG9986 = "次数";
public static string MSG9987 = "有效";
public static string MSG9988 = "备注";
public static string MSG9989 = "排序码";
public static string MSG9990 = "创建者代码";
public static string MSG9991 = "创建时间";
public static string MSG9992 = "最后修改者代码";
public static string MSG9993 = "最后修改时间";
public static string MSG9994 = "排序";
public static string MSG9995 = "代码";
public static string MSG9996 = "索引";
public static string MSG9997 = "字段";
public static string MSG9998 = "表";
public static string MSG9999 = "数据库"; #region public static int GetLanguageResource() 从当前指定的语言包读取信息
/// <summary>
/// 从当前指定的语言包读取信息
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
//public static int GetLanguageResource()
// AppMessage AppMessage = new AppMessage();
// return BaseInterfaceLogic.GetLanguageResource(AppMessage);
#endregion #region public static string Format(string value, params string[] messages) 格式化一个资源字符串
/// <summary>
/// 格式化一个资源字符串
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">目标字符串</param>
/// <param name="messages">传入的信息</param>
/// <returns>字符串</returns>
public static string Format(string value, params string[] messages)
return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, value, messages);
#endregion #region public static string GetMessage(string id) 读取一个资源定义
/// <summary>
/// 读取一个资源定义
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">资源代码</param>
/// <returns>字符串</returns>
public static string GetMessage(string id)
string returnValue = string.Empty;
returnValue = ResourceManagerWrapper.Instance.Get(id);
return returnValue;
#endregion #region public static string GetMessage(string id, params string[] messages)
/// <summary>
/// 读取一个资源定义
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">资源代码</param>
/// <param name="messages">传入的信息</param>
/// <returns>字符串</returns>
public static string GetMessage(string id, params string[] messages)
string returnValue = string.Empty;
returnValue = ResourceManagerWrapper.Instance.Get(id);
returnValue = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, returnValue, messages);
return returnValue;

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