GoldenGate过程 abend,报错OGG-00868 ORA-02396: Exceeded Maximum Idle Time, Please Connect Again
GoldenGate过程 abend,报错OGG-00868 ORA-02396: Exceeded Maximum Idle Time, Please Connect Again
GoldenGate Processes Abend with OGG-00868 ORA-02396: Exceeded Maximum Idle Time, Please Connect Again (Doc ID 1393647.1)
Oracle GoldenGate - Version: to - Release: 11.1.1 to
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) 进程abend,其报错为:
Extract (or replicat)进程
ERROR OGG-00868 ORA-02396: exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again.
Manager 进程
ERROR OGG-00665 OCI Error describe for query (bad syntax) (status = 2396-ORA-02396: exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again), SQL<SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM GGS_OWNER.GGS_MARKER WHERE OPTIME < '...')>.
用户连接超时会发生该问题。检查 该用户是否设置了time out。
SQL> select USERNAME,USER_ID,ACCOUNT_STATUS,PROFILE from dba_users where USERNAME='ggs_owner';
确认profile是用的哪个,然后再检查 gg user的 idle timeout情况:
SQL> select * from dba_profiles where resource_name='IDLE_TIME';
如果查询结果以gg user使用profile,检查profile是否有任何限制,或者设置为UNLIMITED
如果 UNLIMITED 不可行,这一增长time out的 时间到一个合适的值。
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