

netsh http>



show IpListen

IP addresses present in the IP listen list:


show servicestate



C:\Users\clu>netsh http show servicestate > servicestate.txt

Snapshot of HTTP service state (Server Session View):

Server session ID: FF00000220000001
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Max bandwidth: 4294967295
Entity body timeout (secs): 120
Drain entity body timeout (secs): 120
Request queue timeout (secs): 65535
Idle connection timeout (secs): 120
Header wait timeout (secs): 120
Minimum send rate (bytes/sec): 240
URL groups:
URL group ID: FE00000240000001
State: Active
Request queue name: PrivateWebService AppPool
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: inherited
Timeout values inherited
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:
URL group ID: FD00000240000001
State: Active
Request queue name: DefaultAppPool
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: 4294967295
Entity body timeout (secs): 120
Drain entity body timeout (secs): 120
Request queue timeout (secs): 65535
Idle connection timeout (secs): 120
Header wait timeout (secs): 0
Minimum send rate (bytes/sec): 0
Logging information:
Log directory: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
Log format: 0
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:
URL group ID: FC00000240000001
State: Active
Request queue name: PublicWebService AppPool
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: inherited
Timeout values inherited
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:
URL group ID: FB00000240000001
State: Inactive
Request queue name: InternalService AppPool
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: inherited
Timeout values inherited
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:
URL group ID: FA00000240000001
State: Active
Request queue name: PublicApi AppPool
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: inherited
Timeout values inherited
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:
URL group ID: F900000240000001
State: Active
Request queue name: BackOffice AppPool
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: inherited
Timeout values inherited
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:
URL group ID: FF00000040000005
State: Active
Request queue name: CSSTest
Max bandwidth: inherited
Max connections: 4294967295
Entity body timeout (secs): 120
Drain entity body timeout (secs): 120
Request queue timeout (secs): 65535
Idle connection timeout (secs): 120
Header wait timeout (secs): 0
Minimum send rate (bytes/sec): 0
Logging information:
Log directory: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2
Log format: 0
Authentication Configuration:
Authentication schemes enabled:
Number of registered URLs: 1
Registered URLs:

Request queues:
Request queue name: CSSTest
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

Request queue name: BackOffice AppPool
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

Request queue name: PublicApi AppPool
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

Request queue name: InternalService AppPool
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

Request queue name: PublicWebService AppPool
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

Request queue name: DefaultAppPool
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

Request queue name: PrivateWebService AppPool
Version: 2.0
State: Active
Request queue 503 verbosity level: Limited
Max requests: 1000
Number of active processes attached: 0
Controller process ID: 2960
Process IDs:

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