一.Maya API编程简介

Autodesk® Maya® is an open product. This means that anyone outside of Autodesk can change Maya’s existing features or add entirely new features. There are several ways you can modify Maya:

· MEL™—(Maya Embedded Language) is a powerful and easy to learn scripting language. Most common operations can be done using MEL.

· Python™—is a powerful and easy to learn scripting language, which provides an interface to the Maya commands.

· C++ API—(Application Programmer Interface) provides better performance than MEL or Python. You can add new objects to Maya using the API, and code executes approximately ten times faster than when you perform the same task using MEL. Also, you are able to execute MEL commands from the API.

· Maya Python API—Based on the API and allows the API to be used through the Python scripting language.

See MEL and Expressions in the Maya User's Guide for an introduction to MEL, and Python for its equivalent interface.

The Maya Developer Help provides a technical introduction to the Maya API and the Maya Python API.


The Maya API is a C++ API that provides internal access to Maya and is available on the following platforms: Microsoft® Windows®, Linux®, and Apple® Mac OS® X. You can use the API to implement two types of code resources: plug-ins which extend the functionality of Maya, or stand-alones such as console applications which can access and manipulate a Maya model.

Plug-ins can be built in two ways:

· As dynamic or relocatable libraries which are loaded into Maya using standard operating system functionality. Plug-ins work by accessing the symbol space of the host application Maya. Access to the symbol space of other loaded plug-ins is not available.

· As scripts that use the Maya Python API.

Many of the examples in the API Developer Kit are provided with both C++ and Python source codes. To allow both versions to be loaded into Maya at the same we have adopted the convention of prefixing the commands and nodes from Python plugins with "sp" (e.g. spHelix). You are not required to follow this convention.

When you use dynamic libraries, the operating system that you develop on place various restrictions on how to build and name plug-ins. The file extensions for plug-ins are:

· Linux: .so

· Windows: .mll

· Mac OS X: .bundle

· All platforms for Python plug-ins: .py




1. MEL™ - (Maya嵌入式语言)是一种功能强大且易于学习的脚本语言。最常见的操作可以使用MEL进行。

2. Python- 它是一个强大且易于学习的脚本语言,为Maya命令提供了一个界面。

3. C ++ API(应用程序接口)-它能提供比MEL或Python更好的性能。您可以使用API​​向Maya添加新对象,并且代码比使用MEL执行相同任务时执行的速度快十倍。此外,您可以从API执行MEL命令。

4. Maya Python API - 基于API,并允许通过Python脚本语言使用API​​。

二.Visual Studio 下Maya API编程开发环境安装与使用

本文中Microsoft Visual Studio版本为Microsoft Visual Studio 2008,Maya版本为Maya 2009,安装路径为:f:\Program Files (x86)\Maya2009。其它版本可以参考本文操作。

Maya provides a wizard for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 which can be used to quickly and easily create Visual Studio projects for Maya plug-ins. The wizard is not installed automatically by the Maya installer so you must copy some files by hand before you can start using it.

Follow these steps to install the wizard

1. The wizard can be found in devkit\pluginwizard\MayaPluginWizard2.0.zip under Maya's install folder. Unzip this file into a local folder.

2. Copy the following files to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcprojects folder:




3. Notice that the unzipped file contains a top-level folder named MayaPluginWizard and within that a sub-folder which is also named MayaPluginWizard. Copy the top-level MayaPluginWizard folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\VCWizards


If you are working with a non-english installation of Microsoft Visual Studio, then you may have to alter the folders that the files are copied into above.

Follow these steps to use the wizard

1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio, invoke File -> New -> Project -> Visual C++ Projects and select MayaPluginWizard.

2. Enter a name and solution name and select the OK button.

3. Fill in the information for the Plug-in setup screen.

4. Click Next to get the Plug-in type dialog, or select it from the link in the sidebar, and fill in any required information.

5. Click Next to get the Included libraries dialog, or select it from the link in the sidebar, and fill in any required information.

6. Click Finish to create the project.




1. 创建项目,生成插件



默认情况下,developer Kit location是指向C盘的,如果你的MAYA安装在其它地方,则需要指定相应的MAYA安装路径,它用来告诉VS在编译时所需的 Maya相关头文件与库文件在何处:

再点击左侧Plug-in type,如下图:



#include <maya/MSimple.h>

// Use helper macro to register a command with Maya. It creates and

// registers a command that does not support undo or redo. The

// created class derives off of MPxCommand.


//DeclareSimpleCommand( MayaPluginWizard1, "", "2010");

DeclareSimpleCommand( MayaPluginWizard1, "", "2009");//将2010改为2009

MStatus MayaPluginWizard1::doIt( const MArgList& args )

//// Description:

// implements the MEL MayaPluginWizard1 command.

//// Arguments:

// args - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL

//// Return Value:

// MS::kSuccess - command succeeded

// MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the

// MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the

// error is caught using a "catch" statement.



MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

// Since this class is derived off of MPxCommand, you can use the

// inherited methods to return values and set error messages


displayInfo("Hello World!");//显示Hello World,自己添加的代码

setResult( "MayaPluginWizard1 command executed!\n" );

return stat;


我们在doIt()函数中加入一行:displayInfo("Hello World!");


2. 加载插件并测试

把HelloWorld.mll文件拷贝到f:\Program Files (x86)\Maya2009\bin\plug-ins目录下,然后重新打开maya2009,从菜单window->settings/preferences->Plug-In Manager打开插件加载窗口:

把我们的HelloWorld.mll插件加载进来,然后在我们的maya命令行窗口中输入HelloWorld命令对插件进行测试,Hello World!就会显示在脚本编辑器中,如下图所示。

项目源代码链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLujp2r 密码:qplx





1. 创建项目,生成插件

打开MayaPluginWizard,新建一个Dependency Graph Node插件,如下图:

点击Finish后,项目生成三个文件,分别是:halfScaleNodeNode.h, halfScaleNodeNode.cpp, pluginMain.cpp,如下图:

2. 代码说明

(1)pluginMain.cpp文件,这是每个MAYA插件的入口,MAYA在加载该结点的时候,会自动运行initializePlugin( MObject obj )函数,因此我们就可以在这里做一些初始化的操作,其中最重要的就是要注册这个maya结点。

status = plugin.registerNode( "halfScaleNode", halfScaleNode::id, halfScaleNode::creator,  halfScaleNode::initialize );

if (!status) {


return status;



// You MUST change this to a unique value!!!  The id is a 32bit value used

// to identify this type of node in the binary file format. 

#error change the following to a unique value and then erase this line

MTypeId     halfScaleNode::id( 0x00001 );


//#error change the following to a unique value and then erase this line

MTypeId     halfScaleNode::id( 0x02010 );


(2) 在halfScaleNodeNode.h, halfScaleNodeNode.cpp文件中,有个MStatus halfScaleNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )函数,这是每个结点的核心运算函数。

前面我们说过,一个结点是由输入接口、输出接口及运算核心组成,这里的运算核心就是compute()函数,而输入输出接口则被封装在MDataBlock& data这个对像里面,我们通过相应的函数,就可以取得输入口和输出口所对应的地址,然后对这些数据进行操作:

MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( input, &returnStatus );

MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue( halfScaleNode::output );

float result = inputData.asFloat();


outputHandle.set( result );


float result = inputData.asFloat();

result = result * 0.5;

outputHandle.set( result );


3. 加载插件并测试





createNode halfScaleNode;

connectAttr pSphere1.translateX halfScaleNode1.input;

connectAttr halfScaleNode1.output pSphere2.translateX;


项目源代码和Maya工程文件链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eRJnPy6 密码:4iec



1. 在Visual Studio中以debug模式生成目标mll,设为HelloWorld.mll,文件路径为:g:\users\Projects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\Debug\HelloWorld.mll;

2. 启动Maya,并在Maya中加载该路径下的此mll,即加载g:\users\Projects\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\Debug\HelloWorld.mll;

3. ctrl+alt+p打开附加到进程,然后将VS进程附加到Maya进程中;

4. 在VS中相关代码处建立断点;

5. 执行mll中的命令或节点,当遇到断点时会自动停下切换到VS中,即可调试运行。


1. Maya API Help: http://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2015/ENU/?guid=__files_Maya_API_introduction_htm

2. MAYA API插件编程--入门篇:http://blog.csdn.net/huawenguang/article/details/6557862

3. Maya Plug-in 调试及技巧(1):http://blog.csdn.net/cuckon/article/details/6157403

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