function Tdmd.Draw_Image_In_Rect(C:TCanvas;R:TRect;i:integer):boolean;
    if i<ML.Count then
      if tempImage=nil then tempImage:=TBitMap.Create;
      tr.Top:=R.Top+(((R.Bottom-R.Top)-24) div 2)+1;
      tr.Left:=R.Left+(((R.Right-R.Left)-24) div 2+1);
    end else result:=false;
end ;


TCopyMode values describe how to combine the colors of a source bitmap and a destination bitmap.

The Windows unit defines the following constants for TCopyMode values:

Fills the destination rectangle on the canvas with black.  
Inverts the image on the canvas and ignores the source.  
Combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean AND operator.  
Combines the inverted source bitmap with the image on the canvas by using the Boolean OR operator.  
Copies the inverted source bitmap to the canvas.  
Combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean OR operator, and inverts the result.  
Copies the source pattern to the canvas.  
Combines the source pattern with the image on the canvas using the Boolean XOR operator  
Combines the inverted source bitmap with the source pattern by using the Boolean OR operator. Combines the result of this operation with the image on the canvas by using the Boolean OR operator.  
Combines the image on the canvas and source bitmap by using the Boolean AND operator.  
Copies the source bitmap to the canvas.  
Inverts the image on the canvas and combines the result with the source bitmap by using the Boolean AND operator.  
Combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean XOR operator.  
Combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean OR operator.  
Fills the destination rectangle on the canvas with white.


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