
select student_id, score as c1_score from score where course_id='01';
select student_id, score as c2_score from score where course_id='02'; #1.2使用内连接,将两个课程表进行连接,并从中选出01
select c1.student_id,c1_score,c2_score from
(select student_id, score as c1_score from score where course_id='01') as c1 inner join
(select student_id, score as c2_score from score where course_id='02') as c2
on c1.student_id=c2.student_id
where c1_score>c2_score;


select c1.student_id,c1_score,c2_score from
(select student_id, score as c1_score from score where course_id='01') c1 inner join
(select student_id, score as c2_score from score where course_id='02') c2
on c1.student_id=c2.student_id; select c1.student_id, c1.score, c2.score
from score c1 join score c2 on c1.student_id=c2.student_id
where c1.course_id='01' and c2.course_id='02';

3、查询存在01课程但可能不存在02课程的情况(不存在时显示为 null )

select c1.student_id,c1_score,c2_score from
(select student_id, score as c1_score from score where course_id='01') c1 left join
(select student_id, score as c2_score from score where course_id='02') c2
on c1.student_id=c2.student_id;


select * from
(select student_id, score as c1_score from score where course_id='01') c1 right join
(select student_id, score as c2_score from score where course_id='02') c2
on c1.student_id=c2.student_id
where c1.student_id is null;

5、查询平均成绩大于等于 60 分的同学的学生编号和学生姓名和平均成绩

select student.id,name,avg(score) from student left join score on student.id=student_id
group by student_id
having avg(score)>=60;


select distinct student.* from student right join score on id=student_id;

7、查询所有同学的学生编号、学生姓名、选课总数、所有课程的总成绩(没成绩的显示为 null )

select id, name, count(course_id),sum(score) from student left join score on id=student_id
group by id;


select distinct student.* from score left join student on id=student_id;


select count(id) from teacher
where name like '李%';


select student.* from student
left join score on student.id=student_id
left join course on course_id=course.id
left join teacher on teacher_id=teacher.id
where teacher.name='张三';


select student.* from student left join
(select student_id, count(course_id) as courseNum from score group by student_id)
as studentCourse on student.id=studentCourse.student_id
where courseNum<(select count(id) as allNum from course);


select distinct student.* from student
left join score on student.id=student_id
right join (select course_id from score where student_id='01') as No01Course on score.course_id=No01Course.course_id
where student.id!='01';



#13.1 01同学选的所有课程:
select course_id from score where student_id='07'; #13.2 选了01没选的课的同学
select student_id from score
where course_id not in
(select course_id from score where student_id='07'); #13.3 排除掉这些人,就是01选课列表的子集的同学
select student_id from score
where student_id!='07' and student_id not in
(select student_id from score
where course_id not in
(select course_id from score where student_id='07')); #13.4 选出(01选课列表的子集的同学)选课数量与01选课数量相同的人
select student_id from
(select student_id from score
where student_id!='07' and student_id not in
(select student_id from score
where course_id not in
(select course_id from score where student_id='07')
) as subset
group by student_id
having count(*)=
(select count(course_id) from score where student_id='07');

14 查询没学过"张三"老师讲授的任一门课程的学生姓名

#14.1 查询学过张三教过的课的同学:
select student.id from student
left join score on student.id=student_id
left join course on course_id=course.id
left join teacher on teacher_id=teacher.id
where teacher.name='张三'; #14.2 排除这些同学
select name from student
where id not in (
select student.id from student
left join score on student.id=student_id
left join course on course_id=course.id
left join teacher on teacher_id=teacher.id
where teacher.name='张三'

15 查询两门及其以上不及格课程的同学的学号,姓名及其平均成绩

#15.1 选出不及格的课程和同学
select student_id from score
where score<60; #15.2 从中选出count>=2的学生id
select student_id from
(select student_id, score from score
where score<60
) as sc
group by student_id
having count(score)>=2; #15.3 从中选出学号姓名和平均成绩
select student.id, student.name, avg(score) from
student left join score on student.id=student_id
where student.id in (
select student_id from
(select student_id, score from score
where score<60
) as sc
group by student_id
having count(score)>=2
group by student.id;

16 检索" 01 "课程分数小于 60,按分数降序排列的学生信息

select student.* from
student left join score on student.id=student_id
where course_id='01' and score<60
order by score desc;

17 按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的所有课程的成绩以及平均成绩

select student_id, avg(score) from score
group by student_id; #连接至学生-成绩表
select student.id, student.name, score, avg_score from
(student left join score on student.id=student_id) left join
(select student_id, avg(score) as avg_score from score
group by student_id
) as avgsc on student.id=avgsc.student_id
order by avg_score desc;


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