Oracle日期时间类型有两类,一类是日期时间类型,包括Date, Timestamp with time zone, Timestamp with local time zone。另一类是Interval类型,主要有Interval year to month 和Interval day to second两种。

KingbaseES也有类似的两类。其中的日期时间类型包括Timestamp with time zone, Timestamp without time zone,Date,Time with time zone , Time without time zone五种。Interval类型就是Interval。



Date 类型:

  • Oracle的Date类型包括年、月、日、时、分、秒六个字段, 时间跨度是公元前4712年1月1日~公元9999年12月31日。
  • KingbaseES在兼容oracle模式下可以直接使用date数据类型或者使用 Timestamp(0) without time zone 类型来对应。时间跨度从公元前4713年~公元294276年。

1、Oracle date

  1. SQL> create table o_test(value date);
  2. Table created.
  3. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_date('-4712-01-01 00:30:45', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));
  4. 1 row created.
  6. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_date('-4712-01-01 00:30:45', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - interval '1' day);
  7. insert into o_test values(to_date('-4712-01-01 00:30:45', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') - interval '1' day) *
  8. ERROR at line 1:
  9. ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
  11. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_date('9999-12-31 12:30:45', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));
  12. 1 row created.
  13. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_date('9999-12-31 12:30:45', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') + interval '1' day);
  14. insert into o_test values(to_date('9999-12-31 12:30:45', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') + interval '1' day)
  15. *
  16. ERROR at line 1:
  17. ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
  19. SQL> select to_char(value, 'syyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') from o_test;
  22. ----------------------------------------
  23. -4712/01/01 00:30:45
  24. 9999/12/31 12:30:45

2、KingbaseES Date

KingbaseES date 类型实际 就是 Timestamp(0) without time zone

  1. test=# create table test1(value timestamp(0) without time zone, value1 date);
  3. test=# insert into test1 values('4712-01-01 00:30:45BC','4712-01-01 00:30:45BC');
  4. INSERT 0 1
  5. test=# insert into test1 values(to_timestamp('4712-01-01 00:30:45BC','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ssBC') - interval '1 day',to_timestamp('4712-01-01 00:30:45BC','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ssBC') - interval '1 day');
  6. INSERT 0 1
  7. test=# insert into test1 values('9999-12-31 23:59:59','9999-12-31 23:59:59');
  8. INSERT 0 1
  9. test=# insert into test1 values(to_timestamp('9999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') + interval '1 day',to_timestamp('9999-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') + interval '1 day');
  10. INSERT 0 1
  12. test=# select * from test1;
  13. value | value1
  14. ------------------------+------------------------
  15. 4712-01-01 00:30:45 BC | 4712-01-01 00:30:45 BC
  16. 4713-12-31 00:30:45 BC | 4713-12-31 00:30:45 BC
  17. 9999-12-31 23:59:59 | 9999-12-31 23:59:59
  18. 10000-01-01 23:59:59 | 10000-01-01 23:59:59
  19. (4 行记录)


在Timestamp(p) 数据类型上两种数据库基本一致,除了毫秒精度上的区别。

  • Oracle 毫秒的精度最大为9位,默认为6位。数据中的毫秒数如果小于精度,会在有效数据后自动以0补足位数。
  • KingbaseES 毫秒精度最大为6位,默认为6位,当指定精度超过6位时表依然会创建但是会有警告提示并将精度自动修正为6位。在兼容oracle模式时会在末尾补0,pg模式不会补足。

1、Oracle Timestamp

  1. SQL> create table o_test(value timestamp);
  3. Table created.
  4. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_timestamp('2021-10-1 12:30:50.123', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff'));
  5. 1 row created.
  6. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_timestamp('2021-10-1 12:30:50.123456', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff6'));
  7. 1 row created.
  8. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_timestamp('2021-10-1 12:30:50.123456789', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff9'));
  9. 1 row created.
  11. SQL> select * from o_test;
  12. VALUE
  13. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. 01-OCT-21 PM
  15. 01-OCT-21 PM
  16. 01-OCT-21 PM

Oracle Timestamp 指定精度

  1. SQL> create table o_test1(value timestamp(9));
  2. Table created.
  3. SQL> insert into o_test1 values(to_timestamp('2021-10-1 11:30:50.123456789', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff9'));
  4. 1 row created.
  5. SQL> insert into o_test1 values(to_timestamp('2021-10-1 11:30:50.123', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff'));
  6. 1 row created.
  7. SQL> select * from o_test1;
  8. VALUE
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. 01-OCT-21 AM
  11. 01-OCT-21 AM

2、KingbaseES Timestamp without time zone

  1. test=# create table test1(value timestamp without time zone);
  3. test=# insert into test1 values('2021-10-1 12:30:45.123456');
  4. INSERT 0 1
  5. test=# insert into test1 values('2021-10-1 12:30:45.123456789');
  6. INSERT 0 1
  7. test=# insert into test1 values('2021-10-1 12:30:45.123');
  8. INSERT 0 1
  9. 兼容oracle模式
  10. test=# select * from test1;
  11. value
  12. ----------------------------
  13. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123456
  14. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123457
  15. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123000
  17. 兼容pg模式
  18. test=# select * from test1;
  19. value
  20. ----------------------------
  21. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123456
  22. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123457
  23. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123

KingbaseES Timestamp without time zone指定精度

  1. test=# create table test2(value timestamp(9) without time zone);
  2. 警告: TIMESTAMP(9)减少到最大允许值,6
  3. 1create table test2(value timestamp(9) without time zone);
  4. ^
  5. 警告: TIMESTAMP(9)减少到最大允许值,6
  6. 警告: TIMESTAMP(9)减少到最大允许值,6
  9. test=# create table test2(value timestamp(3) without time zone);
  11. test=# insert into test2 values('2021-10-1 12:30:45.123456789');
  12. INSERT 0 1
  13. test=# insert into test2 values('2021-10-1 12:30:45.123');
  14. INSERT 0 1
  15. test=# insert into test2 values('2021-10-1 12:30:45.1');
  16. INSERT 0 1
  17. test=# select * from test2;
  18. value
  19. -------------------------
  20. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123
  21. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.123
  22. 2021-10-01 12:30:45.100

三、Timestamp(p) with time zone

带时区的时间类型,两种数据库之间的区别: Oracle会保存输入的的时区,而KingbaseES是把数据自动转换成为数据库时区对应的时间 (时区值由kingbase.conf中的timezone参数设定,可以使用set timezone来进行更改)。在使用时需要注意这个变化。


  1. SQL> create table o_test( value timestamp with time zone);
  2. Table created.
  3. SQL> insert into o_test values(systimestamp);
  4. 1 row created.
  5. SQL> insert into o_test values(to_timestamp_tz('2012-12-31 12:30:50.123456 +10:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff tzh:tzm'));
  6. 1 row created.
  7. SQL> select * from o_test;
  8. VALUE
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. 14-OCT-21 AM +08:00
  11. 31-DEC-12 PM +10:00


  1. test=# create table test3(value timestamp with time zone);
  3. test=# insert into test3 values(current_timestamp);
  4. INSERT 0 1
  5. test=# insert into test3 values('2021-12-31 12:30:50.123456+10');
  6. INSERT 0 1
  7. test=# insert into test3 values('2021-12-31 12:30:50.123456 PST');
  8. INSERT 0 1
  9. test=#
  10. test=# select * from test3;
  11. value
  12. -------------------------------
  13. 2021-10-14 11:31:10.820010+08
  14. 2021-12-31 10:30:50.123456+08
  15. 2022-01-01 04:30:50.123456+08


Oracle的Interval类型主要分为Interval year to month 和 Interval day to second两类。分别对应间隔为年月和间隔为日、时、分、秒的情况。

KingbaseES的interval提供了比较丰富的扩展:interval[fields][(p)]  ,interval类型有一个附加选项,它可以通过写下面之一的短语来限制存储的fields的集合:YEAR,MONTH,DAY,HOUR,MINUTE,SECOND,YEAR TO MONTH,DAY TO HOUR,DAY TO MINUTE, DAY TO SECOND,HOUR TO MINUTE,HOUR TO SECOND,MINUTE TO SECOND



Interval year(p) to month类型

Oracle的Interval year(p) to month类型表示年月的时间间隔。year, month一起使用的时候,写法类似于Interval '12-11' year to month。其中的年份根据精度p来决定,p值为1~9,默认为2。月份只能是0~11之间的值。单独使用month时精度也是控制年份的。

  1. SQL> create table test(value interval year(3) to month);
  2. Table created.
  3. SQL> insert into test values(interval '100-5' year to month);
  4. insert into test values(interval '100-5' year to month) *
  5. ERROR at line 1:
  6. ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
  7. SQL> insert into test values(interval '100-5' year(3) to month);
  8. 1 row created.
  9. SQL> insert into test values(interval '1299' month);
  10. insert into test values(interval '1299' month)
  11. *
  12. ERROR at line 1:
  13. ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
  14. SQL> insert into test values(interval '1299' month(3));
  15. 1 row created.
  17. SQL> select * from test;
  18. VALUE
  19. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. +100-05
  21. +108-03


  1. KingbaseES 可以直接使用interval类型的数据,使用上比较灵活。
  2. test=# create table test4(value interval);
  4. test=# insert into test4 values('100-5');
  5. INSERT 0 1
  6. test=# insert into test4 values('90-12');
  7. 错误: 间隔字段超出范围: "90-12"
  8. 1insert into test4 values('90-12');
  9. ^
  10. test=# insert into test4 values('90-11');
  11. INSERT 0 1
  12. test=# insert into test4 values('90-0');
  13. INSERT 0 1
  14. test=# insert into test4 values('10000 year');
  15. INSERT 0 1
  16. test=# insert into test4 values('12000 month');
  17. INSERT 0 1
  18. test=# insert into test4 values('1000 year 12000 month');
  19. INSERT 0 1
  20. test=# insert into test4 values('80000 hour');
  21. INSERT 0 1
  22. test=# select * from test4;
  23. value
  24. --------------------
  25. 100 years 5 mons
  26. 90 years 11 mons
  27. 90 years
  28. 10000 years
  29. 1000 years
  30. 2000 years
  31. 80000:00:00.000000


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