python 多线程实现循环打印 abc

好久没写过python了, 想自己实践一下把


  1. import threading
  2. import time
  3. def print_a():
  4. global value
  5. global lock
  6. global stop_flag
  7. while stop_flag:
  8. while True:
  9. if value == 0 or value == 3:
  10. break
  11. lock.acquire()
  12. value = 1
  13. time.sleep(1)
  14. print("aaa")
  15. lock.release()
  16. def print_b():
  17. global value
  18. global lock
  19. global stop_flag
  20. while stop_flag:
  21. while True:
  22. if value == 1:
  23. break
  24. lock.acquire()
  25. value = 2
  26. time.sleep(1)
  27. print("bbb")
  28. lock.release()
  29. def print_c():
  30. global value
  31. global lock
  32. global stop_flag
  33. while stop_flag:
  34. while True:
  35. if value == 2:
  36. break
  37. lock.acquire()
  38. value = 3
  39. time.sleep(1)
  40. print("ccc")
  41. lock.release()
  42. if __name__ == "__main__":
  43. stop_flag = True
  44. value = 0
  45. threads = []
  46. lock = threading.Lock()
  47. thread_a = threading.Thread(target=print_a)
  48. thread_b = threading.Thread(target=print_b)
  49. thread_c = threading.Thread(target=print_c)
  50. threads.append(thread_a)
  51. threads.append(thread_b)
  52. threads.append(thread_c)
  53. for thread in threads:
  54. thread.start()
  55. time.sleep(5)
  56. stop_flag = False


  1. import threading
  2. import time
  3. def print_a():
  4. global value
  5. global stop_flag
  6. global lock
  7. global con
  8. while stop_flag:
  9. try:
  10. lock.acquire()
  11. while value != 0 and value != 3:
  12. con.wait()
  13. time.sleep(1)
  14. value = 1
  15. print("aaa")
  16. con.notify_all()
  17. finally:
  18. lock.release()
  19. def print_b():
  20. global value
  21. global stop_flag
  22. global lock
  23. global con
  24. while stop_flag:
  25. try:
  26. lock.acquire()
  27. while value != 1:
  28. con.wait()
  29. time.sleep(1)
  30. value = 2
  31. print("bbb")
  32. con.notify_all()
  33. finally:
  34. lock.release()
  35. def print_c():
  36. global value
  37. global stop_flag
  38. global lock
  39. global con
  40. while stop_flag:
  41. try:
  42. lock.acquire()
  43. while value != 2:
  44. con.wait()
  45. time.sleep(1)
  46. value = 3
  47. print("ccc")
  48. con.notify_all()
  49. finally:
  50. lock.release()
  51. if __name__ == "__main__":
  52. stop_flag = True
  53. value = 0
  54. threads = []
  55. # 注意这里使用的是条件变量
  56. lock = threading.Lock()
  57. con = threading.Condition(lock=lock)
  58. thread_a = threading.Thread(target=print_a)
  59. thread_b = threading.Thread(target=print_b)
  60. thread_c = threading.Thread(target=print_c)
  61. threads.append(thread_a)
  62. threads.append(thread_b)
  63. threads.append(thread_c)
  64. for thread in threads:
  65. thread.start()
  66. time.sleep(5)
  67. print("stop")
  68. stop_flag = False
  69. for thread in threads:
  70. thread.join()

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