一、偶遇 error: undefined reference to xxx 问题
尝试封装通用的接口到一个private.so,然后供客户端使用,private.so编译出来后由sample.cpp依赖调用其中封装的接口,但是一直报error: undefined reference to xxx的错误,并且检查so、头文件都依赖正确,c方式编译的函数也用extern "C" 声明。
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- xxx
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
于是用如下方法查看so的符号表根本找不到定义的 xxx 函数:
- readelf -s private.so
- nm -D private.so
从Android.mk定位问题发现编译参数 CAMX_CFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden ,此参数的作用就是将函数名隐藏,需要暴露给用户的函数接口可以单独通过 __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) 声明避免被隐藏。
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) xxx
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
-fvisibility 参数具体说明如下:
- man gcc:
- -fvisibility=default|internal|hidden|protected
- Set the default ELF image symbol visibility to the specified option---all symbols are marked with this unless overridden within the code. Using this feature can very
- substantially improve linking and load times of shared object libraries, produce more optimized code, provide near-perfect API export and prevent symbol clashes. It is
- strongly recommended that you use this in any shared objects you distribute.
- Despite the nomenclature, "default" always means public; i.e., available to be linked against from outside the shared object. "protected" and "internal" are pretty useless
- in real-world usage so the only other commonly used option is "hidden". The default if -fvisibility isn't specified is "default", i.e., make every symbol public---this
- causes the same behavior as previous versions of GCC.
- A good explanation of the benefits offered by ensuring ELF symbols have the correct visibility is given by "How To Write Shared Libraries" by Ulrich Drepper (which can be
- found at <http://people.redhat.com/~drepper/>)---however a superior solution made possible by this option to marking things hidden when the default is public is to make the
- default hidden and mark things public. This is the norm with DLLs on Windows and with -fvisibility=hidden and "__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))" instead of
- "__declspec(dllexport)" you get almost identical semantics with identical syntax. This is a great boon to those working with cross-platform projects.
- For those adding visibility support to existing code, you may find #pragma GCC visibility of use. This works by you enclosing the declarations you wish to set visibility
- for with (for example) #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden) and #pragma GCC visibility pop. Bear in mind that symbol visibility should be viewed as part of the API interface
- contract and thus all new code should always specify visibility when it is not the default; i.e., declarations only for use within the local DSO should always be marked
- explicitly as hidden as so to avoid PLT indirection overheads---making this abundantly clear also aids readability and self-documentation of the code. Note that due to ISO
- C++ specification requirements, "operator new" and "operator delete" must always be of default visibility.
- Be aware that headers from outside your project, in particular system headers and headers from any other library you use, may not be expecting to be compiled with visibility
- other than the default. You may need to explicitly say #pragma GCC visibility push(default) before including any such headers.
- extern declarations are not affected by -fvisibility, so a lot of code can be recompiled with -fvisibility=hidden with no modifications. However, this means that calls to
- "extern" functions with no explicit visibility use the PLT, so it is more effective to use "__attribute ((visibility))" and/or "#pragma GCC visibility" to tell the compiler
- which "extern" declarations should be treated as hidden.
- Note that -fvisibility does affect C++ vague linkage entities. This means that, for instance, an exception class that is be thrown between DSOs must be explicitly marked
- with default visibility so that the type_info nodes are unified between the DSOs.
- An overview of these techniques, their benefits and how to use them is at <http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility>.
向客户提供动态链接库(.so)时,有些关键的函数名不希望暴露出去,此时便可以通过gcc的-fvisibility=hidden选项对编译生成的so进行函数符号隐藏,如:LOCAL_CPPFLAGS +=-fvisibility=hidden,执行编译后,使用nm -D xxx.so命令或者readelf --symbols xxx.so查看函数名的确被隐藏,但此时是将所有函数名都隐藏了,那么客户加载so时需要调用的接口函数名(xxx)也会找不到定义,导致编译报undefined reference to xxx错误,所以需要暴露(导出)的函数前应该增加属性__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))设置成可见。
- __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
- void hello(void)
- {
- }
- #define MYDCIR_API __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) //Linux动态库(.so)
- #else
- #define MYDCIR_API __declspec(dllexport) //Windows动态库(.dll)
- #endif
- #else
- #define MTDCIR_API
- #endif
- MTDCIR_API const voide hello();
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