



于是决定给自己挖个坑,近期写一个lct详解(不过像我这么懒的人= =


Problem: 2049
User: cminus
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
Time:1532 ms
Memory:984 kb
****************************************************************/ #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
#define kd(x) (ch[fa[x]][1] == x)
#define setc(f, c, k) (ch[fa[c] = f][k] = c)
#define isRoot(x) (ch[fa[x]][0] != x and ch[fa[x]][1] != x)
#define ls ch[x][0]
#define rs ch[x][1]
const int N = ; int fa[N], ch[N][], n, m;
bool mark[N]; inline void push(int x){
if (mark[x]){
mark[x] = false;
mark[ls] ^= ;
mark[rs] ^= ;
swap(ls, rs);
stack < int > S;
inline void pushDown(int x) {
while (!isRoot(x))
S.push(x = fa[x]);
while (!S.empty())
push(S.top()), S.pop();
} inline void rotate (int x) {
int y = fa[x], k = kd(x);
setc(y, ch[x][k ^ ], k);
if (isRoot(y)) fa[x] = fa[y];
else setc(fa[y], x, kd(y));
setc(x, y, k ^ );
} inline void splay (int x) {
while (! isRoot(x)) {
if (! isRoot(fa[x]))
if (kd(x) == kd(fa[x])) rotate(fa[x]);
else rotate(x);rotate(x);
} inline void access(int x) {
int t = ;
while (x) {
rs = t; t = x; x = fa[x];
} inline void makeRoot(int u) {
access(u); splay(u);
mark[u] ^= ;
} inline void link(int u, int v){
makeRoot(u); fa[u] = v;
} inline void cut(int u, int v){
access(v); splay(v);
fa[u] = ch[v][] = ;
} inline int findRoot(int x) {
while(fa[x]) x = fa[x];
return x;
int main(){
scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
char str[];
int u, v;
scanf("%s %d %d", str, &u, &v);
if (*str == 'C') link(u, v);
else if (*str == 'D') cut(u, v);
else puts((findRoot(u) == findRoot(v)) ? "Yes" : "No");
return ;

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