Usage: dbShape [-help] [-d] [-step <step>] [-output {polygon rect hrect area}]
<shapeList> [AND <shapeList> | ANDNOT <shapeList> | OR <shapeList> | XOR <shapeList>
| INSIDE shapeList | OUTSIDE shapeList | ENCLOSE shapeList | STRADDLE shapeList
| BBOX | HOLES | NOHOLES | MOVE {<dx> <dy>} | SIZE <value> | SIZEX <value> | SIZEY <value>] ...
-help # Prints out the command usage
-d # User specified values and return values are in database units.
# Default: All values are in user units, in microns. (bool, optional)
-step <step> # Specifies step size if output format is rect, required to convert
# non-orthogonal shapes into series of rectangles. Default: minwidth
# value of first routing layer (coord, optional).
-output {polygon rect hrect area}
# Specifies the output format. (rect = vertical rectangles,
# hrect = horizontal rectangles), area = total area of final shape
# default: rect (enum, optional)
<shapeList> # polygon or rect or list of polygon and rect. polygon:
# {{x y} {x y} {x y} ... }; rect: {x1 y1 x2 y2} (list, required)
AND <shapeList> # binary operator: intersection of list of shapes
ANDNOT <shapeList> # binary operator: initial list of shapes minus second list of shapes
OR <shapeList> # binary operator: union of list of shapes
XOR <shapeList> # binary operator: union of list of shapes minus AND of the list of shapes
# (string, optional)
INSIDE <shapelist> # binary operator: initial shapes that are inside (including touching)
# of one of the shapes from the second list
OUTSIDE <shapelist># binary operator: initial shapes that are outside (including touching)
# of the shapes from the second list
ENCLOSE <shapelist># binary operator: initial shapes that completely enclose at least one shape from the second list
STRADDLE <shapelist>
# binary operator: initial shapes that are partially inside and partially outside
# at least one shape from the second list
MOVE {<dx> <dy>} # unary operator : move the list of shapes by {<dx> <dy>}
BBOX # unary operator : computes the bounding box of list of shapes
# (string, optional)
HOLES # unary operator : returns list of new shapes that fill holes in the original list of shapes
NOHOLES # unary operator : returns list of new shapes that include filled holes in the original list of shapes
# (same as dbShape $shapeList HOLES OR $shapeList)
SIZE <value> # unary operator : increase the size of list of shapes by <value>
SIZEX <value> # unary operator : increase the size of the list of shapes in the
# X-direction by <value>
SIZEY <value> # unary operator : increase the size of the list of shapes in the
# Y-direction by <value>
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