curl_str='curl -x "http://http-pro.abuyun.com:9010" --proxy-basic --proxy-user H78H42TCN191075P:3D1EA6E4F458AB69'
curl_str='curl -L --socks5 socks-cla.abuyun.com:8030 --proxy-user S822RB9T27K96TPC:5E68523C79E62C41'
### encode url
local supplier_name_encode="$(echo "$" | tr -d '\n' | xxd -plain | sed 's/\(..\)/%\1/g')"
echo "https://xin.baidu.com/s?q=${supplier_name_encode}&t=0"|perl -npe 's/\n//'
} do_down_web_info_html(){
local url=$(encode_url "$1")
local html_file="$2"
# wget ${url} -O ${html_file}
#echo -e "\n===================================> " ${curl_str} "${url}" \> ${html_file}"\n"
${curl_str} "${url}" > ${html_file}
} get_supplier_pid(){
local html_file="${1}.html"
local supplier_name="$2"
do_down_web_info_html "${supplier_name}" "${html_file}"
### 获取pid
echo $(grep compinfo ${html_file}|head -|awk -F'pid=' '{print $2}'|awk -F'"' '{print $1}')
} do_down_supplier_unifiedcode(){
local id="$1"
local pid="$2"
### 获取统一社会信用代码
local unifiedCode="${id}_unifiedCode"
local api_basic_url="https://xin.baidu.com/detail/basicAjax?pid=${pid}"
echo -e "\n 获取统一社会信用代码 ===================================> "${curl_str} "${api_basic_url}" \> ${unifiedCode}"\n"
${curl_str} "${api_basic_url}" > ${unifiedCode}
} do_switch_ip(){
# ${curl_str} http://proxy.abuyun.com/switch-ip
echo "do_switch_ip"
} do_run(){
local id="$1"
local supplier_name="$2"
pid=$(get_supplier_pid "${id}" "${supplier_name}")
do_down_supplier_unifiedcode "${id}" "${pid}"
# echo -n $(date "+%F %T")" | ${id} | ${supplier_name} | ${pid} |"
### 解析json为csv文件
# jq -r '[(.data.entName|tostring),(.data.unifiedCode|tostring)]|join("|")' "${id}_unifiedCode"
} result_file="result_code"
# "上海东福网络科技有限公司广州分公司","" token(){
local pid=$
# 判断是否有传入pid
if [ -z "${pid}" ]
echo "please input pid"
fi # 设置并发数,默认为5
local concurrency=
if [ -n "$2" ]
echo "Concurrency: $2"
fi # 创建有名管道,如果fd1不存在则创建
[ -e /tmp/fd1 ] || mkfifo /tmp/fd1
# 创建文件描述符,以可读(<)可写(>)的方式关联管道文件,这时候文件描述符999就有了有名管道文件的所有特性
# 为了让程序有一定的扩展性,不想写死fd,因而引入了变量。
# 因而引入eval命令,强制shell进行变量展开。
# eval exec "${fd}>file"简单的说,eval将右边参数整体作为一个命令,进行变量的替换,然后将替换后的输出结果给shell去执行。
eval exec "${pid}<>/tmp/fd1"
# 关联后的文件描述符拥有管道文件的所有特性,所以这时候管道文件可以删除,我们留下文件描述符来用就可以了
[ -e /tmp/fd1 ] && rm -f /tmp/fd1 # 初始化并行数
for ((i=;i<=${concurrency};i++))
# &999代表引用文件描述符999,这条命令代表往管道里面放入了一个"令牌"
echo ${i}>&${pid}
} main(){
local pid=$$
local start_time=`date +%s`
# 生成管道文件
token ${pid}
local num=
cat ../tmpa|head -|tail -|while read line
if [ ${num} -eq ]
echo "==================================== reset num ===================================="
# 获取令牌
read -u${pid} name
local supplier_info=($(echo ${line}|sed 's/"//g'|sed 's/,/ /'))
local id="${supplier_info[1]}"
local supplier_name="${supplier_info[0]}"
echo "${id} | ${supplier_name}"
do_run ${id} ${supplier_name}
# | tee -a ${result_file}_${name}
echo ${name}>&${pid}
} &
done wait
# 定义脚本运行的结束时间
local stop_time=`date +%s`
echo "TIME:`expr ${stop_time} - ${start_time}`"
# 关闭文件描述符的读
eval exec "${pid}<&-"
# 关闭文件描述符的写
eval exec "${pid}>&-"
} main


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