Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 学习笔记之 --- 第二十三章:角色动画
原文:Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 学习笔记之 --- 第二十三章:角色动画
- 熟悉蒙皮动画的术语;
- 学习网格层级变换在数学理论,以及如何遍历基于树结构的网格层级;
- 理解顶点混合的想法以及数学理论;
- 学习如何从文件加载动画数据;
- 学习如何在D3D中实现角色动画。
1 框架的层级结构
1.1 数学公式
在我们上述的例子中,M2 = A2A1A0, M1 = A1A0 and M0 = A0,就是每根骨骼对于的世界坐标系变换矩阵:
2 蒙皮网格
2.1 定义
2.2 重置骨骼到根空间的变换公式
2.3 抵消变换(Offset Transform)
有一个小问题是,被骨骼影响的顶点并不在骨骼坐标系统中,而是在绑定空间中。所以在应用公式对顶点进行变换之前,我们先要将顶点从绑定空间变换到影响它的骨骼的空间中,所以叫抵消变换(offset transformation)。
2.4 对骨架进行动画
我们定义了一个骨架动画的类SkinnedData.h/.cpp在Skinned Mesh Demo中。
我们定义一些列动画的动画片段(animation clip):
/// Examples of AnimationClips are "Walk", "Run", "Attack", "Defend".
/// An AnimationClip requires a BoneAnimation for every bone to form
/// the animation clip.
struct AnimationClip
// Smallest end time over all bones in this clip.
float GetClipStartTime()const;
// Largest end time over all bones in this clip.
float GetClipEndTime()const;
// Loops over each BoneAnimation in the clip and interpolates
// the animation.
void Interpolate(float t, std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4>& boneTransforms)const;
// Animation for each bone.
std::vector<BoneAnimation> BoneAnimations;
std::unordered_map<std::string, AnimationClip> mAnimations;
AnimationClip& clip = mAnimations["attack"];
class SkinnedData
UINT BoneCount()const;
float GetClipStartTime(const std::string& clipName)const;
float GetClipEndTime(const std::string& clipName)const;
void Set(std::vector<int>& boneHierarchy,
std::vector<DirectX::XMFLOAT4X4>& boneOffsets,
std::unordered_map<std::string, AnimationClip>& animations);
// In a real project, you’d want to cache the result if there was a
// chance that you were calling this several times with the same
// clipName at the same timePos.
void GetFinalTransforms(const std::string& clipName, float timePos,
std::vector<DirectX::XMFLOAT4X4>& finalTransforms)const;
// Gives parentIndex of ith bone.
std::vector<int> mBoneHierarchy;
std::vector<DirectX::XMFLOAT4X4> mBoneOffsets;
std::unordered_map<std::string, AnimationClip> mAnimations;
2.5 计算最终变换
我们使用一个整形数组模拟骨架层级,第i个元素值是第i个骨骼的父骨骼ID,并且对应第i个offset transform,并且对应骨骼动画中的第i个骨骼的动画:
int parentIndex = mBoneHierarchy[i];
int grandParentIndex = mBoneHierarchy[parentIndex];
XMFLOAT4X4 offset = mBoneOffsets[grandParentIndex];
AnimationClip& clip = mAnimations["attack"];
BoneAnimation& anim = clip.BoneAnimations[grandParentIndex];
void SkinnedData::GetFinalTransforms(const std::string& clipName,
float timePos, std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4>& finalTransforms)const
UINT numBones = mBoneOffsets.size();
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4> toParentTransforms(numBones);
// Interpolate all the bones of this clip at the given time instance.
auto clip = mAnimations.find(clipName);
clip->second.Interpolate(timePos, toParentTransforms);
// Traverse the hierarchy and transform all the bones to the
// root space.
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4> toRootTransforms(numBones);
// The root bone has index 0. The root bone has no parent, so
// its toRootTransform is just its local bone transform.
toRootTransforms[0] = toParentTransforms[0];
// Now find the toRootTransform of the children.
for(UINT i = 1; i < numBones; ++i)
XMMATRIX toParent = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toParentTransforms[i]);
int parentIndex = mBoneHierarchy[i];
XMMATRIX parentToRoot = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[parentIndex]);
XMMATRIX toRoot = XMMatrixMultiply(toParent, parentToRoot);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[i], toRoot);
// Premultiply by the bone offset transform to get the final transform.
for(UINT i = 0; i < numBones; ++i)
XMMATRIX offset = XMLoadFloat4x4(&mBoneOffsets[i]);
XMMATRIX toRoot = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[i]);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&finalTransforms[i], XMMatrixMultiply(offset, toRoot));
int parentIndex = mBoneHierarchy[i];
XMMATRIX parentToRoot = XMLoadFloat4x4(&toRootTransforms[parentIndex]);
ParentIndexOfBone0: -1
ParentIndexOfBone1: 0
ParentIndexOfBone2: 0
ParentIndexOfBone3: 2
ParentIndexOfBone4: 3
ParentIndexOfBone5: 4
ParentIndexOfBone6: 5
ParentIndexOfBone7: 6
ParentIndexOfBone8: 5
ParentIndexOfBone9: 8
3 顶点混合
实际应用中,[Möller08]支持,通常情况下我们不需要多余4跟骨骼影响同一个顶点。所以我们的设计会考虑到最多4个骨骼影响同一个顶点。所以为了实现顶点混合,角色网格还是连续的网格,每个顶点包含4个骨骼矩阵画板的索引(指向4个最终变换矩阵);另外每个顶点也包含4个权重对应用每个骨骼的影响权重。所以我们定义下面的顶点结构来实现顶点混合(skinned mesh)。
其中w0 + w1 + w2 + w3 = 1,法线和切线的计算也类似:
cbuffer cbSkinned : register(b1)
// Max support of 96 bones per character.
float4x4 gBoneTransforms[96];
struct VertexIn
float3 PosL : POSITION;
float3 NormalL : NORMAL;
float2 TexC : TEXCOORD;
float4 TangentL : TANGENT;
#ifdef SKINNED
float3 BoneWeights : WEIGHTS;
uint4 BoneIndices : BONEINDICES;
struct VertexOut
float4 PosH : SV_POSITION;
float4 ShadowPosH : POSITION0;
float4 SsaoPosH : POSITION1;
float3 PosW : POSITION2;
float3 NormalW : NORMAL;
float3 TangentW : TANGENT;
float2 TexC : TEXCOORD;
VertexOut VS(VertexIn vin)
VertexOut vout = (VertexOut)0.0f;
// Fetch the material data.
MaterialData matData = gMaterialData[gMaterialIndex];
#ifdef SKINNED
float weights[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
weights[0] = vin.BoneWeights.x;
weights[1] = vin.BoneWeights.y;
weights[2] = vin.BoneWeights.z;
weights[3] = 1.0f - weights[0] - weights[1] - weights[2];
float3 posL = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 normalL = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 tangentL = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
// Assume no nonuniform scaling when transforming normals, so
// that we do not have to use the inversetranspose.
posL += weights[i] * mul(float4(vin.PosL, 1.0f),
normalL += weights[i] * mul(vin.NormalL,
tangentL += weights[i] * mul(,
vin.PosL = posL;
vin.NormalL = normalL; = tangentL;
// Transform to world space.
float4 posW = mul(float4(vin.PosL, 1.0f), gWorld);
vout.PosW =;
// Assumes nonuniform scaling; otherwise, need to
// use inverse-transpose of world matrix.
vout.NormalW = mul(vin.NormalL, (float3x3)gWorld);
vout.TangentW = mul(vin.TangentL, (float3x3)gWorld);
// Transform to homogeneous clip space.
vout.PosH = mul(posW, gViewProj);
// Generate projective tex-coords to project SSAO map onto scene.
vout.SsaoPosH = mul(posW, gViewProjTex);
// Output vertex attributes for interpolation across triangle.
float4 texC = mul(float4(vin.TexC, 0.0f, 1.0f), gTexTransform);
vout.TexC = mul(texC, matData.MatTransform).xy;
// Generate projective tex-coords to project shadow map onto scene.
vout.ShadowPosH = mul(posW, gShadowTransform);
return vout;
4 从文件加载动画数据
我们使用的文件格式是.m3d(“model 3D.” 一个text文件),这个格式是用来简化加载和阅读,也不是优化。并且这个格式只用于本书。
4.1 文件头
#Materials 3
#Vertices 3121
#Triangles 4062
#Bones 44
#AnimationClips 15
4.2 材质
Name: soldier_head
Diffuse: 1 1 1
Fresnel0: 0.05 0.05 0.05
Roughness: 0.5
AlphaClip: 0
MaterialTypeName: Skinned
Name: soldier_jacket
Diffuse: 1 1 1
Fresnel0: 0.05 0.05 0.05
Roughness: 0.8
AlphaClip: 0
MaterialTypeName: Skinned
4.3 子集合
SubsetID: 0 VertexStart: 0 VertexCount: 3915 FaceStart: 0 FaceCount: 7230
SubsetID: 1 VertexStart: 3915 VertexCount: 2984 FaceStart: 7230 FaceCount: 4449
SubsetID: 2 VertexStart: 6899 VertexCount: 4270 FaceStart: 11679 FaceCount: 6579
SubsetID: 3 VertexStart: 11169 VertexCount: 2305 FaceStart: 18258 FaceCount: 3807
SubsetID: 4 VertexStart: 13474 VertexCount: 274 FaceStart: 22065 FaceCount: 442
4.4 顶点数据和三角形
Position: -14.34667 90.44742 -12.08929
Tangent: -0.3069077 0.2750875 0.9111171 1
Normal: -0.3731041 -0.9154652 0.150721
Tex-Coords: 0.21795 0.105219
BlendWeights: 0.483457 0.483457 0.0194 0.013686
BlendIndices: 3 2 39 34
Position: -15.87868 94.60355 9.362272
Tangent: -0.3069076 0.2750875 0.9111172 1
Normal: -0.3731041 -0.9154652 0.150721
Tex-Coords: 0.278234 0.091931
BlendWeights: 0.4985979 0.4985979 0.002804151 0
BlendIndices: 39 2 3 0
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11
12 13 14
4.5 骨骼偏移变换
BoneOffset0 -0.8669753 0.4982096 0.01187624 0
0.04897417 0.1088907 -0.9928461 0
-0.4959392 -0.8601914 -0.118805 0
-10.94755 -14.61919 90.63506 1
BoneOffset1 1 4.884964E-07 3.025227E-07 0
-3.145564E-07 2.163151E-07 -1 0
4.884964E-07 0.9999997 -9.59325E-08 0
3.284225 7.236738 1.556451 1
4.6 骨架
ParentIndexOfBone0: -1
ParentIndexOfBone1: 0
ParentIndexOfBone2: 1
ParentIndexOfBone3: 2
ParentIndexOfBone4: 3
ParentIndexOfBone5: 4
ParentIndexOfBone6: 5
ParentIndexOfBone7: 6
ParentIndexOfBone8: 7
ParentIndexOfBone9: 7
ParentIndexOfBone10: 7
ParentIndexOfBone11: 7
ParentIndexOfBone12: 6
ParentIndexOfBone13: 12
4.7 动画数据
AnimationClip run_loop
Bone0 #Keyframes: 18
Time: 0
Pos: 2.538344 101.6727 -0.52932
Scale: 1 1 1
Quat: 0.4042651 0.3919331 -0.5853591 0.5833637
Time: 0.0666666
Pos: 0.81979 109.6893 -1.575387
Scale: 0.9999998 0.9999998 0.9999998
Quat: 0.4460441 0.3467651 -0.5356012 0.6276384
Bone1 #Keyframes: 18
Time: 0
Pos: 36.48329 1.210869 92.7378
Scale: 1 1 1
Quat: 0.126642 0.1367731 0.69105 0.6983587
Time: 0.0666666
Pos: 36.30672 -2.835898 93.15854
Scale: 1 1 1
Quat: 0.1284061 0.1335271 0.6239273 0.7592083
AnimationClip walk_loop
Bone0 #Keyframes: 33
Time: 0
Pos: 1.418595 98.13201 -0.051082
Scale: 0.9999985 0.999999 0.9999991
Quat: 0.3164562 0.6437552 -0.6428624 0.2686314
Time: 0.0333333
Pos: 0.956079 96.42985 -0.047988
Scale: 0.9999999 0.9999999 0.9999999
Quat: 0.3250651 0.6395872 -0.6386833 0.2781091
Bone1 #Keyframes: 33
Time: 0
Pos: -5.831432 2.521564 93.75848
Scale: 0.9999995 0.9999995 1
Quat: -0.033817 -0.000631005 0.9097761 0.4137191
Time: 0.0333333
Pos: -5.688324 2.551427 93.71078
Scale: 0.9999998 0.9999998 1
Quat: -0.033202 -0.0006390021 0.903874 0.426508
void M3DLoader::ReadAnimationClips(std::ifstream& fin,
UINT numBones,
UINT numAnimationClips,
AnimationClip>& animations)
std::string ignore;
fin >> ignore; // AnimationClips header text
for(UINT clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < numAnimationClips; ++clipIndex)
std::string clipName;
fin >> ignore >> clipName;
fin >> ignore; // {
AnimationClip clip;
for(UINT boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < numBones; ++boneIndex)
ReadBoneKeyframes(fin, numBones,
fin >> ignore; // }
animations[clipName] = clip;
void M3DLoader::ReadBoneKeyframes(std::ifstream& fin,
UINT numBones,
BoneAnimation& boneAnimation)
std::string ignore;
UINT numKeyframes = 0;
fin >> ignore >> ignore >> numKeyframes;
fin >> ignore; // {
for(UINT i = 0; i < numKeyframes; ++i)
float t = 0.0f;
XMFLOAT3 p(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
XMFLOAT3 s(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
XMFLOAT4 q(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
fin >> ignore >> t;
fin >> ignore >> p.x >> p.y >> p.z;
fin >> ignore >> s.x >> s.y >> s.z;
fin >> ignore >> q.x >> q.y >> q.z >> q.w;
boneAnimation.Keyframes[i].TimePos = t;
boneAnimation.Keyframes[i].Translation = p;
boneAnimation.Keyframes[i].Scale = s;
boneAnimation.Keyframes[i].RotationQuat = q;
fin >> ignore; // }
4.8 M3D加载器
bool M3DLoader::LoadM3d(const std::string& filename,
std::vector<SkinnedVertex>& vertices,
std::vector<USHORT>& indices,
std::vector<Subset>& subsets,
std::vector<M3dMaterial>& mats,
SkinnedData& skinInfo)
std::ifstream fin(filename);
UINT numMaterials = 0;
UINT numVertices = 0;
UINT numTriangles = 0;
UINT numBones = 0;
UINT numAnimationClips = 0;
std::string ignore;
if( fin )
fin >> ignore; // file header text
fin >> ignore >> numMaterials;
fin >> ignore >> numVertices;
fin >> ignore >> numTriangles;
fin >> ignore >> numBones;
fin >> ignore >> numAnimationClips;
std::vector<XMFLOAT4X4> boneOffsets;
std::vector<int> boneIndexToParentIndex;
std::unordered_map<std::string, AnimationClip> animations;
ReadMaterials(fin, numMaterials, mats);
ReadSubsetTable(fin, numMaterials, subsets);
ReadSkinnedVertices(fin, numVertices, vertices);
ReadTriangles(fin, numTriangles, indices);
ReadBoneOffsets(fin, numBones, boneOffsets);
ReadBoneHierarchy(fin, numBones, boneIndexToParentIndex);
ReadAnimationClips(fin, numBones, numAnimationClips, animations);
skinInfo.Set(boneIndexToParentIndex, boneOffsets, animations);
return true;
return false;
5 角色动画Demo
cbuffer cbSkinned : register(b1)
// Max support of 96 bones per character.
float4x4 gBoneTransforms[96];
struct SkinnedConstants
DirectX::XMFLOAT4X4 BoneTransforms[96];
std::unique_ptr<UploadBuffer<SkinnedConstants>> SkinnedCB = nullptr;
SkinnedCB = std::make_unique<UploadBuffer<SkinnedConstants>>(
device, skinnedObjectCount, true);
struct SkinnedModelInstance
SkinnedData* SkinnedInfo = nullptr;
// Storage for final transforms at the given time position.
std::vector<DirectX::XMFLOAT4X4> FinalTransforms;
// Current animation clip.
std::string ClipName;
// Animation time position.
float TimePos = 0.0f;
// Call every frame to increment the animation.
void UpdateSkinnedAnimation(float dt)
TimePos += dt;
// Loop animation
if(TimePos > SkinnedInfo->GetClipEndTime(ClipName))
TimePos = 0.0f;
// Called every frame and increments the time position,
// interpolates the animations for each bone based on
// the current animation clip, and generates the final
// transforms which are ultimately set to the effect
// for processing in the vertex shader.
SkinnedInfo->GetFinalTransforms(ClipName, TimePos, FinalTransforms);
struct RenderItem
// Index to bone transformation constant buffer.
// Only applicable to skinned render-items.
UINT SkinnedCBIndex = -1;
// Pointer to the animation instance associated with this render item.
// nullptr if this render-item is not animated by skinned mesh.
SkinnedModelInstance* SkinnedModelInst = nullptr;
void SkinnedMeshApp::UpdateSkinnedCBs(const GameTimer& gt)
auto currSkinnedCB = mCurrFrameResource->SkinnedCB.get();
// We only have one skinned model being animated.
SkinnedConstants skinnedConstants;
std::end(mSkinnedModelInst->FinalTransforms), &skinnedConstants.BoneTransforms[0]);
currSkinnedCB->CopyData(0, skinnedConstants);
if(ri->SkinnedModelInst != nullptr)
D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS skinnedCBAddress =
skinnedCB->GetGPUVirtualAddress() +
cmdList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(1, skinnedCBAddress);
cmdList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(1, 0);
下面是本Demo截图,其中源动画模型和纹理都是取自Direct SDK并转换为.m3d格式:
6 总结
- 骨架是由树状父子结构的骨骼组成;
- 每个骨骼基于自己的局部坐标系运动,每个局部坐标系又与父骨骼的局部坐标系关联;所以我们可以创建一个to-parent矩阵,变换到父骨骼局部坐标系,直到变换到世界坐标系;
- to-root矩阵可以通过toRooti = toParenti计算;
- 骨骼偏移(bone-offset)变换使顶点有绑定空间变换到骨骼空间,它是基于每个骨骼的;
- 对顶点做动画叫顶点混合,每个顶点可以由多个骨骼基于权重影响,最终变换可以由v′ = w0vF0 + w1vF1 + w2vF2 + w3vF3计算,其中w0 + w1 + w2 + w3 = 1,它可以让皮肤动画更自然;
- 为了实现顶点混合,我们将每个骨骼的最终变换矩阵保存在一个列表中,最后放到常量缓冲中;然后对于顶点,保存矩阵索引列表和权重列表即可进行计算。
7 练习
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1.约束作用: 约束的目的就是确保表中的数据的完整性 2.常用的约束类型如下 主键约束:(Primary Key constraint) 要求主键列唯一,并且不允许为空 唯一约束:(Unique ...
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简介 记录Ubuntu18.04 桌面版系统下实现某个磁盘挂载到自己想要的目录下,内容参考网上教程,此处为自己操作记录. 查看当前所有的磁盘信息 命令:sudo fdisk -l 从列出的信息中可以看 ...