Fast-fire advantages of LED lighting:

Eco-friendly-LEDs are not made of toxic chemicals, such as mercury in fluorescent lights. In addition, the long life of these bulbs means that one LED light can save the production of about 25 incandescent bulbs!
hours of lighting, enough to last multiple holidays.
saving – save money this season. Incandescent bulbs are 20% efficient, while
LEDs are 80-90% efficient, which means more lighting power and less utility

good, right? Before deciding to upgrade from incandescent to LED, please ask the
following 3 questions:

is the status of my incandescent light?

lights are not your way to buy. The lights are expensive! If you still need to
replace the lights, LED lights may be a good choice, but you need to evaluate
the condition of the current settings before you can make this call.

first thing to do is to make sure that they are all in a normal state. Inspect
the stranded wire for cracks, punctures, or other signs of damage. If everything
is OK, plug it in. If it does not turn on immediately, check the light for
damage or loss. Replace them and see if the problem is resolved-otherwise, it
may be time to choose a new set.

can also evaluate lighting conditions based on time of ownership only. Most sets
usually last 4 to 6 years. If you've been using the same lights since you were
young, it's time to upgrade.

as long as you turn on the old incandescent, many home improvement stores offer
discounts on new LED lights.

long will I use the lights?

you plan to use the light for a long time, then the LED light is your best
choice. in case

you plan to move to a smaller or larger house in a short period of time, it is
best to postpone the delay in upgrading – buying a brand new set of LEDs to fit
the size of your new location will not be a pleasant experience. Upgraded the
previous year. If you buy a new $ 5 incandescent, that's fine, but a $ 100 LED
may not be so easy to accept. Go down the cheap route until you know you need to
settle for a while!

addition, LEDs can save the cost of blown fuses and electrical repairs.
Similarly, they may be more secure. Incandescent bulbs can only string 2-5
strands together, otherwise there is a danger of burning a fuse. Many homes have
few outdoor outlets, so you need to strategically renovate for this scarcity.
The energy consumption of LEDs has been reduced by a factor of 10, which means
you can string 20-50 into a single socket where appropriate. By keeping your
outlets in good working condition, you can save money and disasters without
affecting the surprises you want from holiday lighting.

Ninghai Haohua Electronic&Electric Co ,Ltd ., we are committed to designing
and producing high-quality, high-performance, energy-saving Saint  LED Holiday Light 
. To access product information, please visit:

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