starting a new project:(finance project for p2p -- like lending club, or prosper ) ,we considering a js framework framework to help fast developing .

most important part for us is:

  • support mongodb
  • rest is well intergrated , and support a standard rest format , like
  • kind of fullstack
  strongloop sailsjs totaljs meteor
rest Y Y N Y Y
security control Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y
db mongodb MySQL SQLServer ... mongodb MySQL SQLServer ... mongodb   mongodb
mongoose N Y Y Y  
package manager N N Y N  
easy(1-3)1最易 1 2 1 3  
社区热度(1-3)1最热 1 3 3 2 5
文档(1-3)1最齐 1 2 3 2 3
架构: express express mongo+express+angular+nodejs angular  
ACL :          
mongodb native : N Y     Y
deploy 流程 :          
unit test : mocha mocha mocha    
schema :          
脱离架构环境连接db :          
定时任务 :          
事件监听 :          
优点: 简单 配置的安全控制,比较方便 mvc 方式跟现在的使用差不多 cache  
  acl 很细 简单配置抵御大部分常见攻击:CORS Clickjacking DDOS XSS ... 提供一个写package的模块:比较方便的写模块的router handler    
  rest api与 一致        
  集成监控api的使用情况、 QoS、oAuth 2.0 、3rd-party login        
  Native Mobile and Browser SDKs        
  common 层 给server and client 公用        
  security: CORS XSS        
  AAA:authentication authorization accounting        
缺点: 非典型mvc ,需稍微转换写法(文件存放的结构)   包通过 自身管理,不利于脱离架构 封装了很多内容到framework(过多的封装)  
  稍微少众,运营有点像sencha touch         

currently , we've choosen strongloop(loopback)

Although loopback we find it weak in mongodb operation, such as $inc and other ops , and aggregate is not support.

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