AT command AT+CEREG


       Learning how to query the network registration status



       Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script




gcom script :

  1. root@IoTP:~# cat /etc/gcom/getcereg.gcom
  2. opengt
  3. set com 115200n81
  4. set comecho off
  5. set senddelay 0.02
  6. waitquiet 0.2 0.2
  7. flash 0.1
  9. :start
  10. send "AT+CEREG?^m"
  11. get "^m" $s
  12. print $s
  13. get "^m" $s
  14. print $s,"\n"
  15. :continue
  16. exit 0

root@IoTP:~# cat /etc/gcom/setcereg.gcom
set com 115200n81
set comecho off
set senddelay 0.02
waitquiet 0.2 0.2
flash 0.1


send "AT+CEREG=2^m"
get 1 "^m" $s
print $s
get 1 "^m" $s
print $s,"\n"
exit 0


test method:

  1. root@IOTP:/etc/gcom# gcom -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -s setcereg.gcom
  3. AT+CEREG=
  5. OK
  7. root@OpenWrt:/etc/gcom# gcom -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -s getcereg.gcom
  9. AT+CEREG?
  11. +CEREG: ,,"","D0","523D306",

comparsion follow char , we can know module register in E-UTRAN network......

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