SharePoint online Multilingual support - Development(1)
private static void CreateCustomList(ClientContext ctx, Web web)
ListCollection listCollection = ctx.Web.Lists;
ctx.Load(listCollection, lists => lists.Include(list => list.Title).
Where(list => list.Title == "LocalizeMe"));
// Create the list, if it's not there...
if (listCollection.Count == 0)
ListCreationInformation newList = new ListCreationInformation();
newList.Title = "LocalizeMe";
newList.QuickLaunchOption = QuickLaunchOptions.On;
newList.TemplateType = (int)ListTemplateType.GenericList;
newList.Description = "LocalizeMe sample list";
List list = web.Lists.Add(newList);
private static void LocalizeSiteAndList(ClientContext cc, Web web)
// Localize site title
web.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture("en-US", "Localize Me");
web.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture("fi-FI", "Kielikäännä minut");
web.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture("fr-FR", "Localize Me to French");
// Site description
"Localize Me site sample");
"Kielikäännetty saitti");
"Localize to French in description");
cc.ExecuteQuery(); // Localize custom list which was created previously
List list = cc.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("LocalizeMe");
list.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture("en-US", "Localize Me");
list.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture("fi-FI", "Kielikäännä minut");
list.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture("fr-FR", "French text for title");
// Description
"This is localization CSOM usage example list.");
"Tämä esimerkki näyttää miten voit kielikääntää listoja.");
"I have no idea how to translate this to French.");
简单说明一下,对于需要国际化的内容,我们需要获取对应的SharePoint Object之后,操作相应的XXResource属性,如上所示,对Site和List的Title和Description进行了国际化。
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