
Change the ball

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 694    Accepted Submission(s):

Problem Description
Garfield has three piles of balls, each pile has unique
color of following: yellow, blue, and red. Now we also know Garfield has Y
yellow balls, B blue balls, and R red balls. But Garfield just wants to change
all the balls to one color. When he puts two balls of different color togather,
the balls then change their colors automatically into the rest color. For
instance, when Garfield puts a red one and a yellow one togather, the two balls
immediately owns blue color, the same to other situations. But the rule doesn’t
work when the two balls have the same color.
  Garfield is not able to
estimate the minimal steps to achieve the aim. Can you tell him?

For each line, there are three intergers Y, B,
R(1<=Y,B,R<=1000),indicate the number refered above.
For each case, tell Garfield the minimal steps to
complete the assignment. If not, output the symbol “):”.
Sample Input
1 2 3
1 2 2
Sample Output




 #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a[];
while (~scanf ("%d %d %d",&a[],&a[],&a[]))
sort (a+,a++);
if ( a[] == a[] || (a[] - a[]) % == ) //先看是否能把最少的转化成多的
printf ("%d\n",a[]); //如果可以的话,实际上是 a[2] 一直向 a[1]和 a[3]转化
else if ( a[] == a[] || (a[] - a[]) % == )
printf ("%d\n",a[]); //结合上一种,这一种也可以理解
else if ( a[] == a[] || (a[] - a[]) % == )
printf ("%d\n",a[]); //实际上,这种情况完全可以和上一种合并,但是为了程序的清楚就分开了
//else if ( a[2] == a[3] || (a[3] - a[2]) % 3 == 0 || a[1] == a[3] || (a[3] - a[1]) % 3 == 0 )
// printf ("%d\n",a[3]);
//最后两个 else if 可以合并成这样
printf ("):\n");
return ;

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