
执行命令nova list得到如下结果:

[root@localhost ~(keystone_admin)]# nova list
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (ConnectFailure): Unable to establish connection to

1.[root@localhost ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack-status
== Nova services ==
openstack-nova-api:                     active
openstack-nova-compute:                 active
openstack-nova-network:                 inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-nova-scheduler:               active
openstack-nova-cert:                    active
openstack-nova-conductor:               active
openstack-nova-console:                 inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-nova-consoleauth:             active
openstack-nova-xvpvncproxy:             inactive  (disabled on boot)
== Glance services ==
openstack-glance-api:                   active
openstack-glance-registry:              active
== Keystone service ==
openstack-keystone:                     inactive  (disabled on boot)
== Horizon service ==
openstack-dashboard:                    uncontactable
== neutron services ==
neutron-server:                         failed
neutron-dhcp-agent:                     active
neutron-l3-agent:                       active
neutron-metadata-agent:                 active
neutron-openvswitch-agent:              active
neutron-metering-agent:                 active
== Swift services ==
openstack-swift-proxy:                  active
openstack-swift-account:                active
openstack-swift-container:              active
openstack-swift-object:                 active
== Cinder services ==
openstack-cinder-api:                   active
openstack-cinder-scheduler:             active
openstack-cinder-volume:                active
openstack-cinder-backup:                active
== Ceilometer services ==
openstack-ceilometer-api:               inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-ceilometer-central:           active
openstack-ceilometer-compute:           active
openstack-ceilometer-collector:         active
openstack-ceilometer-notification:      active
== Heat services ==
openstack-heat-api:                     active
openstack-heat-api-cfn:                 inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch:          inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-heat-engine:                  active
== Support services ==
mysqld:                                 inactive  (disabled on boot)
openvswitch:                            active
dbus:                                   active
target:                                 active
rabbitmq-server:                        active
memcached:                              active
== Keystone users ==
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/shell.py:64: DeprecationWarning: The keystone CLI is deprecated in favor of python-openstackclient. For a Python library, continue using python-keystoneclient.
  'python-keystoneclient.', DeprecationWarning)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/v2_0/client.py:145: DeprecationWarning: Constructing an instance of the keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client class without a session is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.
  'the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/v2_0/client.py:147: DeprecationWarning: Using the 'tenant_name' argument is deprecated in version '1.7.0' and will be removed in version '2.0.0', please use the 'project_name' argument instead
  super(Client, self).__init__(**kwargs)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/debtcollector/renames.py:45: DeprecationWarning: Using the 'tenant_id' argument is deprecated in version '1.7.0' and will be removed in version '2.0.0', please use the 'project_id' argument instead
  return f(*args, **kwargs)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/httpclient.py:371: DeprecationWarning: Constructing an HTTPClient instance without using a session is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.
  'the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/session.py:140: DeprecationWarning: keystoneclient.session.Session is deprecated as of the 2.1.0 release in favor of keystoneauth1.session.Session. It will be removed in future releases.
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/base.py:56: DeprecationWarning: keystoneclient auth plugins are deprecated as of the 2.1.0 release in favor of keystoneauth1 plugins. They will be removed in future releases.
  'in future releases.', DeprecationWarning)
Authorization Failed: Unable to establish connection to
== Glance images ==
Unable to establish connection to
== Nova managed services ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (ConnectFailure): Unable to establish connection to
== Nova networks ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (ConnectFailure): Unable to establish connection to
== Nova instance flavors ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (ConnectFailure): Unable to establish connection to
== Nova instances ==
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneauth.identity.generic.base"
ERROR (ConnectFailure): Unable to establish connection to
systemctl start openstack-keystone

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