Divide and conquer:Subset(POJ 3977)
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional> using namespace std; typedef long long LL_INT;
static struct _set
int nums;
LL_INT sum;
bool operator <(const _set&x) const
if (sum != x.sum)
return sum < x.sum;
return nums < x.nums;//如果相等则按nums排序,那样只用看upper_bound就可以了
}sum_set1[], sum_set2[];
static LL_INT input[];
static int search_bound[] = { -, }; LL_INT ABS(LL_INT);
int Min(const int, const int);
void Solve(const int, LL_INT &, int &);
struct _set *Binary_Search_Lower(const int, LL_INT);
struct _set *Binary_Search_Upper(const int, LL_INT); int main(void)
int ans2, n;
LL_INT ans1; while (~scanf("%d",&n))
if (n == )break;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
scanf("%lld", &input[i]); for (int i = ; i < << (n / ); i++)//枚举左半边元素
sum_set1[i].nums = ; sum_set1[i].sum = ;
for (int pos = ; pos < n / ; pos++)
if (((i >> pos) & ) == )
sum_set1[i].sum += input[pos];
for (int i = ; i < <<(n - (n / )); i++)//枚举右半边元素
sum_set2[i].nums = ; sum_set2[i].sum = ;
for (int pos = ; pos < (n - (n / )); pos++)
if (((i >> pos) & ) == )
sum_set2[i].sum += input[pos + n / ];
sort(sum_set2, sum_set2 + ( << (n - (n / ))));
Solve(n, ans1, ans2);
printf("%lld %d\n", ans1, ans2);
return x > ? x : -x;
} int Min(const int x, const int y)
return x > y ? y : x;
} void Solve(const int n, LL_INT &ans1, int &ans2)
struct _set *pos = NULL, *pos_up = NULL;
int tmp_pos, up;
ans1 = LLONG_MAX; ans2 = -; for (int i = ; i < << (n / ); i++)
pos = Binary_Search_Lower( << (n - (n / )), -sum_set1[i].sum);
pos_up = Binary_Search_Upper( << (n - (n / )), -sum_set1[i].sum);
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
tmp_pos = (int)(pos - sum_set2) + search_bound[j];
if ( <= tmp_pos && tmp_pos < << (n - (n / ))
&& (sum_set2[tmp_pos].nums || i)//不同时为0(避免空子串)
if (ABS(sum_set2[tmp_pos].sum + sum_set1[i].sum) < ans1)
ans1 = ABS(sum_set2[tmp_pos].sum + sum_set1[i].sum);
ans2 = sum_set2[tmp_pos].nums + sum_set1[i].nums;
else if (ABS(sum_set2[tmp_pos].sum + sum_set1[i].sum) == ans1)
ans2 = Min(sum_set2[tmp_pos].nums + sum_set1[i].nums, ans2);
up = (int)(pos - sum_set2) + ;
if (sum_set2[up].nums || i)//避免空子串,导致后面失效
if (ABS(sum_set2[up].sum + sum_set1[i].sum) < ans1)
ans1 = ABS(sum_set2[up].sum + sum_set1[i].sum);
ans2 = sum_set2[up].nums + sum_set1[i].nums;
else if (ABS(sum_set2[up].sum + sum_set1[i].sum) == ans1)
ans2 = Min(sum_set2[up].nums + sum_set1[i].nums, ans2);
up = (int)(pos_up - sum_set2);
if (sum_set2[up].nums || i)//不同时为0(避免空子串)
if (ABS(sum_set2[up].sum + sum_set1[i].sum) < ans1)
ans1 = ABS(sum_set2[up].sum + sum_set1[i].sum);
ans2 = sum_set2[up].nums + sum_set1[i].nums;
else if (ABS(sum_set2[up].sum + sum_set1[i].sum) == ans1)
ans2 = Min(sum_set2[up].nums + sum_set1[i].nums, ans2);
} struct _set *Binary_Search_Lower(const int n, LL_INT sum1)
int lb = , mid, count1 = n, count2;
while (count1 > )
count2 = count1 >> ;
mid = lb + (count1 >> );
if (sum_set2[mid].sum < sum1)
lb = ++mid;
count1 -= count2 + ;
else count1 = count2;
return &sum_set2[lb];
} struct _set *Binary_Search_Upper(const int n, LL_INT sum1)
int lb = , mid, count1 = n, count2;
while (count1 > )
count2 = count1 >> ;
mid = lb + (count1 >> );
if (sum_set2[mid].sum <= sum1)
lb = ++mid;
count1 -= count2 + ;
else count1 = count2;
return &sum_set2[lb];
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