July 1st, Week 27th Friday, 2016
It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live.
Stand straightly, and do not back down.
Live in the real world, and do not addicted to unpractical illusions.
Do what we can do, only if we get a solid standpoint then we can acquire the flow of unlimited energy and courage to pursue higher aims.
Life is beautiful, do not become depressed.
If you are jaded and world-weary, the life also will close its positive side.
Remember, be optimistic, active and diligent.
Happy he who learns to bear waht he cannot change.
There are numerous things that we can't control, rather than to curse the unfairness of life, it would be better to accept the truth.
However, we all have dreams.
Sometimes, even though we know that may be unrealistic, we still attempt to make them true.
That may be called as hope, which can lead us to a higher and more pretty world.
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