in my opinion,there are many kinds of weapons in archeage online, those include basic weapons and many other weapons,different weapons have different power and method to use is easy to know that what kinds of builds would use those weapons,today i am going to tell you how to use those honor weapons?

ok,now the question comes out?

what is archeage honor weapons?

Honor Weapons are special weapons that have two tiers. The first tier is the level 35 set that you obtain from an Honor Merchant. The level 35 weapons are used as the main ingredient in the level 50 crafted versions. Each of these crafted weapons have their own specific stats and effects. Below I'll list all 12 of these weapons and what they offer. The weapons are listed with their basic quality stat levels.

Last night I read on another reddit post that the honor weapons (not the pvp ones, but ones purchased from weapons vendor) when upgraded are better then Hasla weapons. Using the blood archeum crystals from a general merchant. Now the uses on the honor weapons do definetely make them more appealing but I'm wondering if they end up better stats wise with the upgrades. Couldn't find a straight answer anywhere so figured I would ask on here before I burn the archeage online gold on one.

Honor's Mighty Ripping Dagger:

DPS 96.0

Strength 15

Agility 30
Ability: Deals 314-384 Physical Damage and inflicts Bleed for 14 seconds. Cooldown 2 minutes.

Honor's Mighty Abeyance Sword:

DPS 96.0
Strength 18
Agility 15
Stamina 12
Ability: Deals 314-384 Physical Damage and Stuns for 2 seconds. Cooldown 1 minute.
Honor's Mighty Commanding Greatsword:
DPS 120.0
Strength 45
Stamina 23
Ability: Deals 314-384 Physical Damage and Stuns for 2 seconds. Cooldown 1 minute
Honor's Mighty Formidable Katana:
DPS 96.0
Strength 23
Agility 14
Stamina 9
Ability: Taunts an enemy, forcing it to attack for 5 seconds. Cooldown 1 minute.
Honor's Mighty Berserker Nodachi:
DPS 120.0
Agility 45
Stamina 23
Ability: Enrages target until they become Berserked; lasts 12 seconds. Cooldown 1 minute.
Honor's Mighty Ferocious Axe:
DPS 96.0
Strength 9
Agility 23
Stamina 14
Ability: Deals 314-384 Physical Damage and stacks 2-3 Bloodthirst. Cooldown 1 minute.

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