
应该是MTK修改的google源码,支持recovery下屏幕旋转90/180/270, 作者把MTK的修改上传了,验证没有问,可以直接使用,多谢分享

Android O恢复出厂设置时,图标和屏的方向不一致

wyman_wu                          关注            

                 2018.12.19 17:55               字数 55             阅读 18评论 0喜欢 0


在alps\bootable\recovery\minui\Android.mk中 添加mt_graphic_rotate.cpp

events.cpp \
graphics.cpp \
graphics_adf.cpp \
graphics_drm.cpp \
graphics_fbdev.cpp \
resources.cpp \


#if 0
#endif // return gr_draw;//mtk delete
return rotate_canvas_get(gr_draw);//mtk add
GRSurface* MinuiBackendFbdev::Flip() {
rotate_surface(gr_draw, rotate_canvas_get(gr_draw));//mtk add
if (double_buffered) {
} else {
// Copy from the in-memory surface to the framebuffer.
memcpy(gr_framebuffer[0].data, gr_draw->data, gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes);
// return gr_draw;//mtk delete
return rotate_canvas_get(gr_draw);//mtk add
rotate_canvas_exit();//mtk add
if (!double_buffered && gr_draw) {


* Copyright (C) 2014 MediaTek Inc.
* Modification based on code covered by the mentioned copyright
* and/or permission notice(s).
*/ #include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <inttypes.h> #include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h> #include <linux/fb.h>
#include <linux/kd.h> #include "minui/minui.h"
#include "graphics.h" GRSurface __gr_canvas; GRSurface* gr_canvas = NULL;
int rotate_index=-1; static void print_surface_info(GRSurface *s, const char *name)
printf("[graphics] %s > Height:%d, Width:%d, PixelBytes:%d, RowBytes:%d, Size:%d, Data: 0x%08" PRIxPTR "\n",
name, s->height, s->width, s->pixel_bytes, s->row_bytes, s->height* s->row_bytes, (uintptr_t) s->data);
} // Read configuration from MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION
#define MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION "undefined"
static int rotate_config(GRSurface *gr_draw)
if (rotate_index<0)
if (gr_draw->pixel_bytes != 4) rotate_index=0; // support 4 bytes pixel only
else if (0 == strncmp(MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION, "90", 2))
else if (0 == strncmp(MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION, "180", 3))
} else if (0 == strncmp(MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION, "270", 3)) rotate_index=3;
else rotate_index=0;
printf("[graphics] rotate_config %d %s\n", rotate_index, MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION);
return 3;//mtk /*修改这个值可以改变图标的方向*/
} #define swap(x, y, type) {type z; z=x; x=y; y=z;} // Allocate and setup the canvas object
void rotate_canvas_init(GRSurface *gr_draw)
gr_canvas = &__gr_canvas;
memcpy(gr_canvas, gr_draw, sizeof(GRSurface)); // Swap canvas' height and width, if the rotate angle is 90" or 270"
if (rotate_config(gr_draw)%2) {
swap(gr_canvas->width, gr_canvas->height, int);
gr_canvas->row_bytes = gr_canvas->width * gr_canvas->pixel_bytes;
} gr_canvas->data = (unsigned char*) malloc(gr_canvas->height * gr_canvas->row_bytes);
if (gr_canvas->data == NULL) {
printf("[graphics] rotate_canvas_init() malloc gr_canvas->data failed\n");
gr_canvas = NULL;
} memset(gr_canvas->data, 0, gr_canvas->height * gr_canvas->row_bytes); print_surface_info(gr_draw, "gr_draw");
print_surface_info(gr_canvas, "gr_canvas");
} // Cleanup the canvas
void rotate_canvas_exit(void)
if (gr_canvas) {
if (gr_canvas->data)
} // Return the canvas object
GRSurface *rotate_canvas_get(GRSurface *gr_draw)
// Initialize the canvas, if it was not exist.
if (gr_canvas==NULL)
return gr_canvas;
} // Surface Rotate Routines
static void rotate_surface_0(GRSurface *dst, GRSurface *src)
memcpy(dst->data, src->data, src->height*src->row_bytes);
} static void rotate_surface_270(GRSurface *dst, GRSurface *src)
int v, w, h;
unsigned int *src_pixel;
unsigned int *dst_pixel; for (h=0, v=src->width-1; h<dst->height; h++, v--) {
for (w=0; w<dst->width; w++) {
dst_pixel = (unsigned int *)(dst->data + dst->row_bytes*h);
src_pixel = (unsigned int *)(src->data + src->row_bytes*w);
} static void rotate_surface_180(GRSurface *dst, GRSurface *src)
int v, w, k, h;
unsigned int *src_pixel;
unsigned int *dst_pixel; for (h=0, k=src->height-1; h<dst->height && k>=0 ; h++, k--) {
dst_pixel = (unsigned int *)(dst->data + dst->row_bytes*h);
src_pixel = (unsigned int *)(src->data + src->row_bytes*k);
for (w=0, v=src->width-1; w<dst->width && v>=0; w++, v--) {
} static void rotate_surface_90(GRSurface *dst, GRSurface *src)
int w, k, h;
unsigned int *src_pixel;
unsigned int *dst_pixel; for (h=0; h<dst->height; h++) {
for (w=0, k=src->height-1; w<dst->width; w++, k--) {
dst_pixel = (unsigned int *)(dst->data + dst->row_bytes*h);
src_pixel = (unsigned int *)(src->data + src->row_bytes*k);
} typedef void (*rotate_surface_t) (GRSurface *, GRSurface *); rotate_surface_t rotate_func[4]=
}; // rotate and copy src* surface to dst surface
void rotate_surface(GRSurface *dst, GRSurface *src)
rotate_surface_t rotate;
rotate(dst, src);


* Copyright (C) 2014 MediaTek Inc.
* Modification based on code covered by the mentioned copyright
* and/or permission notice(s).
#define MT_GRAPHICS_ROTATE_H_ #include "minui/minui.h" void rotate_canvas_exit(void);
void rotate_canvas_init(GRSurface *gr_draw);
void rotate_surface(GRSurface *dst, GRSurface *src);
GRSurface *rotate_canvas_get(GRSurface *gr_draw); #endif

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