-- 查询门诊挂号退费的账单:有4条记录

select * from `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` a
where a.orderSource = 1 and a.orderType = 3 and a.returnFlag = 1


select * from `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b
where b.id in (

status 3个是-1,一个是0

-- 查询挂号单退费记录:只查到了2个

select *
from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
where appointment_date in ('2018-12-21','2018-12-22') and a.appointment_state = -1



select * from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 0
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is NULL
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 and g.returnFlag = 0 -- 门诊挂号



select * from `thc_arrange`.`bpm_appointment` a
inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order` b on a.orderId = b.id
inner join `thc_sob`.`bpm_service_order_item` c on c.service_order_id = b.id and c.id = a.order_item_id
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBill` d on d.orderID = b.id and d.`isDelete` = 0 and d.orderSource = 1 and d.orderType = 3 and d.returnFlag = 1
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_AccountBillDetail` e on d.id = e.AccountBillId and e.itemClass = 1 and e.returnFlag is not NULL
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_SettlementDetail` f on f.accountBillID = d.id and f.accountBillDetailID = e.id
inner join `thc_rcm`.`Cs_Settlement` g on g.id = f.settlementID and g.settlementType=2 and g.`isDelete` = 0 and g.returnFlag = 1 -- 门诊挂号

按照医生统计的前2个是替换好的联查join SQL



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