June 17. 2018, Week 25th. Sunday
Dad is and always will be my living, breathing superhero.
From Bindi Irwin.
Daddy and Mom are always superhero.
Can I grow up into a qualified father?
Can I set the example for my children?
Maybe I have to get some special and heroic features first.
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
Recently it seems I have fallen into some uncanny and vicious circle.
I found myself completely unable to suppress the sense of disappointments about the existing conditions, I couldn't contain my feelings of jealousy about other's achievements.
Why I am not the one who succeeded at those things?
Why I am not the one who stood at the centre of stage?
Despression, lose of confidence, anger about these failing years have changed me, my life, my personality...
I know there would be little probability that I would succeed, that I would return to the peak, but I don't intend to give up, I don't intend to surrender, until my last breathe.
So, I want to be irreplaceable, I want to possess some unique skills that can bring me the title of "Expert".
But how can I get that?
The following would be some useful suggestion:
First, please have positive attitudes.
Second, please make sure that you know how your organization makes money.
Third, be open to experience.
Fourth, lead your career.
Fifth, initiate and execute.
Maybe the last is the very key to success for me.
Stop complaining and start acting, let's get the ball rolling.
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