1 void ch4_1() {
2 using namespace std;
3 string fname, lname;
4 char grade;
5 unsigned int age;
6 cout << "enter first name: ";
7 getline(cin, fname);
8 cout << "enter last name: ";
9 getline(cin, lname);
10 cout << "enter your grade: ";
11 cin >> grade;
12 cout << "enter your age: ";
13 cin >> age;
14 cout << "Name: " << lname << ", " << fname << endl;
15 cout << "Grade: " << grade + 1 << endl;
16 cout << "Age: " << age << endl;
17 }
19 void ch4_2() {
20 using namespace std;
21 string name, dessert;
22 cout << "Enter your name: ";
23 getline(cin, name);
24 cout << "Enter your favorite dessert: ";
25 getline(cin, dessert);
26 cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert << " for you, " << name << "." << endl;
27 }
29 void ch4_3() {
30 using namespace std;
31 char fname[20], lname[20], combine[41];
32 cout << "enter your first name: ";
33 cin.getline(fname, 20);
34 cout << "enter your last name: ";
35 cin.getline(lname, 20);
36 strcpy(combine, lname);
37 strcat(combine, ", ");
38 strcat(combine, fname);
39 cout << "Here's the information in a single string: " << combine << endl;
40 }
42 void ch4_4() {
43 using namespace std;
44 string fname, lname, combine;
45 cout << "enter your first name: ";
46 getline(cin, fname);
47 cout << "enter your last name: ";
48 getline(cin, lname);
49 combine = lname + ", " + fname;
50 cout << "Here's the information in a single string: " << combine << endl;
51 }
53 void ch4_5() {
54 using namespace std;
55 struct CandyBar{
56 string brand;
57 double weight;
58 unsigned int kll;
59 };
60 CandyBar snack = {"Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350};
61 cout << "brand: " << snack.brand << endl
62 << "weight: " << snack.weight << endl
63 << "kll: " << snack.kll << endl;
64 }
66 void ch4_6() {
67 using namespace std;
68 struct CandyBar{
69 string brand;
70 double weight;
71 unsigned int kll;
72 };
73 CandyBar snack;
74 cout << "enter brand: ";
75 getline(cin, snack.brand);
76 cout << "enter weight: ";
77 cin >> snack.weight;
78 cout << "enter kll: ";
79 cin >> snack.kll;
80 cout << "brand: " << snack.brand << endl
81 << "weight: " << snack.weight << endl
82 << "kll: " << snack.kll << endl;
83 }
85 void ch4_7() {
86 using namespace std;
87 struct Pizza{
88 string brand;
89 double diameter;
90 double weight;
91 };
92 Pizza pizza;
93 cout << "enter brand: ";
94 getline(cin, pizza.brand);
95 cout << "enter weight: ";
96 cin >> pizza.weight;
97 cout << "enter diameter: ";
98 cin >> pizza.diameter;
99 cout << "brand: " << pizza.brand << endl
100 << "weight: " << pizza.weight << endl
101 << "diameter: " << pizza.diameter << endl;
102 }
104 void ch4_8() {
105 using namespace std;
106 struct Pizza{
107 string brand;
108 double diameter;
109 double weight;
110 };
111 Pizza * p_pizza = new Pizza;
112 cout << "enter diameter: ";
113 cin >> p_pizza->diameter; cin.get();
114 cout << "enter brand: ";
115 getline(cin, p_pizza->brand);
116 cout << "enter weight: ";
117 cin >> p_pizza->weight;
118 cout << "diameter: " << p_pizza->diameter << endl
119 << "brand: " << p_pizza->brand << endl
120 << "weight: " << p_pizza->weight << endl;
121 }
123 void ch4_9() {
124 using namespace std;
125 struct CandyBar{
126 string brand;
127 double weight;
128 unsigned int kll;
129 };
130 CandyBar * snack_arr = new CandyBar[3];
131 snack_arr[0] = {"abc a", 34, 654};
132 snack_arr[1] = {"abc b", 34580, 4363};
133 snack_arr[2] = {"abc c", 756, 67};
134 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
135 cout << "brand: " << snack_arr[i].brand << endl
136 << "weight: " << snack_arr[i].weight << endl
137 << "kll: " << snack_arr[i].kll << endl;
138 }
140 void ch4_10() {
141 using namespace std;
142 array<double, 3> race;
143 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i){
144 cout << "race: ";
145 cin >> race[i];
146 }
147 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
148 cout << "#" << i + 1 << ": " << race[i] << endl;
149 }


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