
1、systemctl stop firewalld

2、yum install iptables-services

3、systemctl  restart iptables

4、service  iptables  save


6、iptables -L -n

centos7 service iptables save 报错的更多相关文章

  1. 解决 service iptables save 报错 please try to use systemctl

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  2. CentOS7 执行 service iptables save 报错 The service command supports only basic LSB actions xxxxxx

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  3. 3.centos 7执行service iptables save报错问题

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  4. 防火墙centos7执行 service iptables status报错问题完美解决

    在centos7 执行防火墙命令时 service iptables status 报错如下: 解决方案 : 1.systemctl start firewalld.service(开启防火墙) 2. ...

  5. centos7 中没有service iptables save指令来保存防火墙规则

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  6. centos7中没有service iptables save指令来保存防火墙规则

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  7. centos .7x service iptables save 错误解决方案

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  8. 新装云服务器没有iptables 文件,并且无法通过service iptables save操作

    在安装zookeeper时,需要放开端口2181 按照视频教程在 /etc/sysconfig/ 下对iptables 文件进行编辑,但是该目录下没有此文件 通过强行写iptables -P  OUT ...

  9. 解决service iptables save出错please try to use systemctl

    # service iptables save The service command supports only basic LSB actions (start, stop, restart, t ...


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