Function templates and static variables:
  Each instantiation of function template has its own copy of local static variables.

  For example, in the following program there are two instances: void fun(int ) and void fun(double ). So two copies of static variable i exist.

  1. 1 #include <iostream>
  2. 2 using namespace std;
  3. 3
  4. 4 template <typename T> void fun(const T& x)
  5. 5 {
  6. 6 static int i = 10;
  7. 7 cout << ++i;
  8. 8 return;
  9. 9 }
  10. 10
  11. 11 int main()
  12. 12 {
  13. 13 fun<int>(1); // prints 11
  14. 14 cout << endl;
  15. 15 fun<int>(2); // prints 12
  16. 16 cout << endl;
  17. 17 fun<double>(1.1); // prints 11
  18. 18 cout << endl;
  19. 19 getchar();
  20. 20 return 0;
  21. 21 }

  Output of the above program is:


  Class templates and static variables:
  The rule for class templates is same as function templates, Each instantiation of class template has its own copy of member static variables.

  For example, in the following program there are two instances Test and Test. So two copies of static variable count exist.

  1. 1 #include <iostream>
  2. 2
  3. 3 using namespace std;
  4. 4
  5. 5 template <class T> class Test
  6. 6 {
  7. 7 private:
  8. 8 T val;
  9. 9 public:
  10. 10 static int count;
  11. 11 Test()
  12. 12 {
  13. 13 count++;
  14. 14 }
  15. 15 // some other stuff in class
  16. 16 };
  17. 17
  18. 18 template<class T> int Test<T>::count = 0;
  19. 19
  20. 20 int main()
  21. 21 {
  22. 22 Test<int> a; // value of count for Test<int> is 1 now
  23. 23 Test<int> b; // value of count for Test<int> is 2 now
  24. 24 Test<double> c; // value of count for Test<double> is 1 now
  25. 25 cout << Test<int>::count << endl; // prints 2
  26. 26 cout << Test<double>::count << endl; //prints 1
  27. 27
  28. 28 getchar();
  29. 29 return 0;
  30. 30 }

  Output of the above program is:


  Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.


  2013-11-26  22:16:57

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