3027 - Corporative Network



 1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<algorithm>
3 #include<iostream>
4 #include<string.h>
5 #include<math.h>
6 #include<stack>
7 #include<set>
8 #include<queue>
9 using namespace std;
10 int bin[20005];
11 int du[20005];
12 char str[20];
13 int main(void)
14 {
15 int i,j;
16 int n;
17 scanf("%d",&n);
18 while(n--)
19 {
20 int m;
21 scanf("%d",&m);
22 for(i = 1; i <= 20005; i++)
23 bin[i] = i,du[i] = 0;
24 while(scanf("%s",str),str[0]!='O')
25 {
26 int x,y;
27 if(str[0]=='I')
28 {
29 scanf("%d %d",&x,&y);
30 int xx;
31 for(xx = y; bin[xx]!=xx;)
32 {
33 xx = bin[xx];
34 du[y]+=du[xx];
35 }
36 bin[y] = xx;
37 bin[x] = xx;
38 du[x] = du[y]+abs(x-y)%1000;
39 }
40 else
41 { int sum = 0;
42 int xx;scanf("%d",&x);
43 for(xx = x; bin[xx]!=xx;)
44 {
45 xx=bin[xx],du[x]+=du[xx];
46 }
47 bin[x] = xx;
48 printf("%d\n",du[x]);
49 }
50 }
51 }
52 return 0;
53 }

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