William the Red, in breathless haste, secured [get] the three great forts of Dover, Pevensey, and Hastings, and made with hot speed for Winchester, where the Royal treasure was kept. The treasurer delivering him the keys, he found that it amounted to sixty thousand pounds in silver,besides gold and jewels. Possessed of this wealth, he soon persuaded the Archbishop of Canterbury to crown him, and became William the Second, King of England.

Rufus was no sooner on the throne, than he ordered into prison again the unhappy state captives whom his father had set free, and directed a goldsmith to ornament his father's tomb profusely with gold and silver. It would have been more dutiful in him to have attended [look after] the sick Conqueror when he was dying; but England itself, like this Red King, who once governed it, has sometimes made expensive tombs for dead men whom it treated shabbily when they were alive.

The King's brother, Robert of Normandy, seeming quite content to be only Duke of that country; and the King's other brother, Fine-Scholar, being quiet enough with his five thousand pounds in a chest; the King flattered himself [自以为], we may suppose, with the hope of an easy reign. But easy reigns were difficult to have in those days. The turbulent Bishop Odo (who had blessed the Norman army at the Battle of Hastings, and who, I dare say, took all the credit of the victory to himself) soon began, in concert with [together] some powerful Norman nobles, to trouble the Red King.

六级/考研单词: haste, treasury, silver, besides, throne, jail, captive, ornament, conquer, expense, shabby, flatter, reign, turbulent, bishop, dare, potent, noble

《老友记》里有句台词(line):It's not too shabby for Rachel. 我曾以为shabby是个高级词、偏词,其实是个六级单词。可能现在的六级词表与时俱进,也可能我当时没背……六级我没过…… dilapidated好像是专八单词。

The truth seems to be that this bishop and his friends, who had lands in England and lands in Normandy, wished to hold both under one Sovereign; and greatly preferred a thoughtless good-natured person, such as Robert was, to Rufus; who, though far from being an amiable man in any respect [方面], was keen, and not to be imposed upon. They declared in Robert's favour, and retired to their castles (those castles were very troublesome to kings) in a sullen humour [mood]. The Red King, seeing the Normans thus falling from him, revenged himself upon them by appealing [be attractive] to the English; to whom he made a variety of promises, which he never meant to perform - in particular, promises to soften the cruelty of the Forest Laws; and who, in return, so aided him with their valour, that Odo was besieged in the Castle of Rochester, and forced to abandon it, and to depart from England for ever: whereupon [happening after, as a result] the other rebellious Norman nobles were soon reduced and scattered.

the Normans thus falling from him... 狄大人也只用了thus,不知道Sheldon的I have informed you thusly的ly哪里来的。
falling from him... [LDOCE] fall (belong to a group): fall into/within/under... fall apart... fall to pieces/bits.
bit不是先作了二进制的位,而是先有小块的意思。byte: invented word based on bit and bite... a biteful of bits
revenged himself... Ross: "I shall be revenged!"

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