
结合前面的2篇文章, 继续升级QML版本的ListView: 又要拖拽, 又要可编辑, 还得支持多个控件.


本文基于前一篇的基础: Qt-可编辑的ListView 要循序渐进的学习.


  • 要用拖拽, 就不能用Layout了 (大部分情况应该是)
  • 条条大路通罗马, 但是没有找到官方的示例...只好自己写
  • 尽量简洁, 而不是自己控制所有状态(虽然也可以做到, 就是太麻烦)



main.cpp, main.qml没啥变化, 和之前的一样.

主要的EditDragList.qml代码如下, 里面注释很多, 还有很多调试打印, 自己可以去除:

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQml.Models 2.1 /**
1. 通过设置currentIndex, 属性自动变化. 支持键盘
2. 支持拖拽
Rectangle {
id: root //列表容器
Rectangle {
id: itemRoot
width: root.width
height: root.height - itemOp.height //调试显示
//color: "blue"
//border.width: 2 Component {
id: delegateItem MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
width: itemRoot.width height: itemRect.height
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
} //hoverEnabled: true //拖拽设置
drag.smoothed: false
drag.target: itemRect
drag.axis: Drag.YAxis onClicked: {
console.debug("onClicked") //方法1: 设置当前
listView.currentIndex = index console.log(("MouseArea Click listview currentIndex: "
+ listView.currentIndex + " index: " + index))
console.log(("MouseArea Click ListView isCurrentItem: "
+ ListView.isCurrentItem)) // 在onFocusChanged 中设置了, 此处不需要了
//textinput.focus = true;
} onFocusChanged: {
if (focus) {
console.debug("=====got focus of mouseArea, start")
console.debug(("got focus of mouseArea, listview currentIndex: "
+ listView.currentIndex + " index: " + index))
console.debug("got focus of mouseArea, isCurrentItem: " + mouseArea.ListView.isCurrentItem)
console.debug("got focus of mouseArea, drag is active: " + drag.active)
console.debug("got focus of mouseArea, textInput visible: " + textinput.visible) textinput.focus = true console.debug("=====got focus of mouseArea, end!")
else {
console.debug(("lost focus of mouseArea, listview currentIndex: "
+ listView.currentIndex + " index: " + index)) console.debug("lost focus of mouseArea, isCurrentItem: " + mouseArea.ListView.isCurrentItem)
} //FIXME: 目前某行处于编辑状态, 然后其他行拖动和此行交换, 则会crash, 原因待查 2020.4.21
//目前解决的思路: 一旦开始拖拽, 则退出编辑状态
drag.onActiveChanged: {
if (mouseArea.drag.active) {
//开始拖动时: 设置当前Item为空
listView.currentIndex = -1
} //实际显示内容
Rectangle {
id: itemRect
height: 40
width: mouseArea.width anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
} //拖拽设置
Drag.active: mouseArea.drag.active
Drag.source: mouseArea
Drag.hotSpot.x: width / 2
Drag.hotSpot.y: height / 2 //拖拽的状态变化
states: State {
when: itemRect.Drag.active ParentChange {
target: itemRect
parent: itemRoot
AnchorChanges {
target: itemRect
anchors {
horizontalCenter: undefined
verticalCenter: undefined
} CheckBox {
id: chkbox
width: 50
//height: parent.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
bottomPadding: 3 checked: model.done
onClicked: model.done = checked
} Rectangle {
id: textSection
height: parent.height width: parent.width - chkbox.width
anchors.left: chkbox.right Text {
id: textShow text: model.description
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom //控制可见: 不是当前
visible: !mouseArea.ListView.isCurrentItem //底部留点空间
bottomPadding: 3 } //end textShow TextInput {
id: textinput anchors.bottom: parent.bottom color: "blue" //底部留点空间
bottomPadding: 3 text: model.description //控制是否编辑状态
visible: mouseArea.ListView.isCurrentItem
enabled: mouseArea.ListView.isCurrentItem //focus: true
selectByMouse: true //Debug: 不变不会进入的, 例如已经focus, 再次设置不会触发此事件
onFocusChanged: {
if (focus) {
console.debug("got focus " + "textInput")
else {
console.debug("lost focus " + "textInput")
} onEditingFinished: {
console.debug("=== start onEditingFinished ")
model.description = textinput.text //方法1: 设置index
if (listView.currentIndex == index) {
listView.currentIndex = -1
} console.log(("TextInput listview currentIndex: "
+ listView.currentIndex + " index: " + index))
console.log(("TextInput ListView isCurrentItem: "
+ mouseArea.ListView.isCurrentItem)) console.debug("=== end onEditingFinished ")
} //end TextInput } //end textSection Rectangle Frame {
width: itemRect.width
height: 1
anchors.bottom: itemRect.bottom
//anchors.topMargin: 1 } } //end itemRect Rectangle DropArea {
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 10
} onEntered: {
console.debug("===== start DropArea onEntered")
console.debug("drag.source.DelegateModel.itemsIndex: " + drag.source.DelegateModel.itemsIndex)
console.debug("mouseArea.DelegateModel.itemsIndex: " + mouseArea.DelegateModel.itemsIndex ) //移动Delegate
mouseArea.DelegateModel.itemsIndex, 1) //移动Model: 不移动的话model和delegate就不同步了
mouseArea.DelegateModel.itemsIndex, 1) console.debug("===== end DropArea onEntered")
//end DropArea } //end MouseArea } //end Component DelegateModel {
id: visualModel model: MyModel {}
delegate: delegateItem
} ListView {
id: listView width: parent.width
height: parent.height keyNavigationEnabled: true //clip: true
model: visualModel
//delegate: delegateItem //默认不要是第一个, 否则第一个是可编辑状态(针对方法1)
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = -1
} //默认焦点
focus: true spacing: 0
} //操作区容器
Rectangle {
id: itemOp width: root.width
height: 50 //和上一个区域挨着
anchors.top: itemRoot.bottom Button {
text: qsTr("Add New Item")
width: parent.width onClicked: {
var c = listView.model.model.rowCount()
listView.model.model.insert(0, {
"description": "Buy a new book " + (c + 1),
"done": false
}) //追加
//listView.model.model.append({ "description": "Buy a new book " + (c + 1), "done": false }) //设置焦点, 否则listView就没焦点了
listView.focus = true
listView.currentIndex = 0


和前一篇一样, 还在同一个项目里面: https://github.com/cnscud/learn/tree/master/qt/editListView


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