


  • 作为工程师,你先要能实现出来。
  • 充实基础,没有什么不好意思
  • 哪怕不完美。但是有时候完成比完美更重要。
  • 之后再去想优化

P.S.作者Robert Sedgewick的导师是Knuth(高德纳!)

Conclusion First

1.Running Time

  • Operation table


1 SOP - Analysis

2 Observations

  • Measuring the running time - automatic

public class Stopwatch(part of stdlib.jar/algs4.course)

public static void main(String[] args) {
In in = new In(args[0]);
int[] a = in.readAllInts(); Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
int count = count(a);
StdOut.println("elapsed time = " + timer.elapsedTime());//time since creation (in seconds)

3 Mathematical Model - Knuth(高德纳!)

Simplification 1: cost model

Simplification 2: tilde notation



  • Bottom line. Use cost model and tilde notation to simplify counts.

4 Order of growth

  • Operation table

5 Binary Search - code 二分搜索


public static int binarySearch(int[]a,int key)
int lo=0;
int hi=a.length-1;
int mid=lo+(hi-lo)/2;
else if(key<a[mid])hi=mid-1;
else return mid;

6 Memory

Typical memory usage of Java

Object overhead - 对象开销


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