IDA Supported Processors
IDA supports more than 50 families of processors.
The source code of some of the processor modules is available in our free SDK.
IDA Starter Edition
IDA Starter Edition supports the following families (64-bit analysis is possible only with IDA Professional Edition)
- AMD K6-2 3D-Now! extensions
- ARM Architecture versions from v3 to v7 including Thumb, Thumb-2, DSP instructions and NEON Advanced SIMD instructions.
- ARMv4/ARMv4T: ARM7 cores (ARM7TDMI/ARM710T/ARM720T/ARM740T), ARM9 cores (ARM9TDMI/ARM920T/ARM922T/ARM940T)
- ARMv5/ARMv5TE/ARMv5TEJ: ARM9 cores (ARM946E-S/ARM966E-S/ARM968E-S/ARM926EJ-S/ARM996HS), ARM10E (ARM1020E/ARM1022E/ARM1026EJ-S)
- ARMv6/ARMv6T2/ARMv6Z/ARMv6K: ARM11 cores (ARM1136J(F)-S/ARM1156T2(F)-S/ARM1176JZ(F)-S/ARM11 MPCore)
- ARMv6-M: Cortex-M0/Cortex-M0+/Cortex-M1 (e.g. NXP LPC800/LPC1xxx,
Freescale Kinetis L and M series, STM32 F0 series etc.) - ARMv7-M: Cortex-M3 (e.g. NXP LPC17xx/18xx/13xx, STM32 F1/F2/L1 series,
TI Stellaris, Toshiba TX03/TMPM3xx etc.) - ARMv7E-M: Cortex-M4 (e.g. NXP LPC43xx, STM32 F3/F4 series, TI Stellaris LM4F,
Freescale Kinetis K series and W series, Atmel AT91SAM4 etc.) - ARMv7-R: Cortex-R4(F)/Cortex-R5/Cortex-R7 (e.g. TI TMS570LS etc.)
- ARMv7-A: Cortex-A7/Cortex-A8/Cortex-A9/Cortex-A15 (e.g. TI Sitara, TI OMAP series,
Samsung S5PC100 and Exynos, Nvidia Tegra, Freescale i.MX and many others) - ARMv7 (custom): Apple A4/A5/A6/A6X, Qualcomm Snapdragon
- ATMEL AVR (comes with source code)
- DEC PDP-11(comes with source code)
- Fujitsu FR (comes with source code)
- GameBoy
- H8/300, H8/300L, H8/300H, H8S/2000, H8S/2600 (comes with source code)
- H8/500(comes with source code)
- Hitachi HD 6301, HD 6303, Hitachi HD 64180
- INTEL 8080
- INTEL 8085
- INTEL 80196 (comes with source code)
- INTEL 8051 (comes with source code)
- INTEL 860XR (comes with source code)
- INTEL 960 (comes with source code)
- INTEL 80x86 and 80x87
- INTEL Pentium family, including SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4
- Java Virtual Machine (comes with source code)
- KR1878 (comes with source code)
- Microsoft .NET
- Mitsubishi MELPS740 or Renesas 740 (comes with source code)
- Hitachi/Renesas M16C
- MN102 (comes only with source code)
- MOS Technologies 6502 (comes with source code)
- Motorola/Freescale MC680xx, CPU32 (68330), MC6301, MC6303, MC6800, MC6801,
MC6803, MC6805, MC6808, HCS08, MC6809, MC6811, M68H12C, ColdFire - Freescale HCS12, HCS12X (including XGATE coprocessor)
- NSC CR16 (comes only with source code)
- NEC v850 and v850E1 (V850ES) (comes with source code)
- EFI Byte Code (EBC) (comes with source code)
- SPU (Synergistic Processing Unit of the Cell BE) (comes with source code)
- MSP430, MSP430X (comes with source code)
- PIC 12XX, PIC 14XX, PIC 18XX, PIC 16XXX (comes with source code)
- Rockwell C39 (comes only with source code)
- SAM8 (comes with source code)
- SGS Thomson ST-7, and ST-20 (comes with source code)
- TLCS900 (comes only with source code)
- unSP from SunPlus
- XA (comes with source code)
- Intel xScale
- Z80, Zilog Z8, Zilog Z180, Zilog Z380 (comes with source code)
IDA Professional Edition
IDA Professional Edition supports all the Starter processors listed above
plus the more complex ones listed below.
Analysis of 64 bit programs is possible with the IDA Professional.
- x64 architecture (Intel x64 and AMD64)
- Dalvik (Android bytecode, DEX)
- DEC Alpha
- DSP563xx, DSP566xx, DSP561XX (comes with source code)
- TI TMS320C2X, TMS320C5X, TMS320C6X, TMS320C64X,
TMS 320C54xx, TMS320C55xx, TMS320C3 (comes with source code) - Hewlett-Packard HP-PA (comes with source code)
- Hitachi SH1, SH2, SH3, Hitachi SH4 - Dreamcast, SH-4a
- IBM - Motorola PowerPC, with or without embedded controller instruction set,
Motorola MPC860 - Infineon Tricore architecture (new in 5.1)
- Intel IA-64 Architecture - Itanium.
- Motorola DSP 56K, Motorola MC6816
- MIPS Mark I (R2000)
- MIPS Mark II (R3000)
- MIPS Mark III: (R4000, R4200, R4300, R4400, and R4600)
- MIPS Mark IV: R8000, R10000, R5900 (Playstation 2)
- MIPS32, MIPS32r2, MIPS32r3 and MIPS64, MIPS64r2, MIPS64r3
- Allegrex CPU (Playstation Portable), including VFPU instructions
- Cavium Octeon ISA extensions
- MIPS16 (MIPS16e) Application Specific Extension
- MIPS-MT, MIPS-3D, smartMIPS Application Specific Extensions
- Tohiba TX19/TX19A Family Application Specific Extension (MIPS16e+ aka MIPS16e-TX)
- Mitsubishi M32R(comes with source code)
- Mitsubishi M7700 (comes with source code)
- Mitsubishi M7900 (comes with source code)
- Nec 78K0 and Nec 78K0S (comes with source code)
- STMicroelectronics ST9+, ST-10 (comes with source code)
- Siemens C166 (flow)
- Fujitsu F2MC-16L, Fujitsu F2MC-LC (comes with source code)
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