Let's create a page which calls the twitter search API and displays the last few results for Code School. The first step is to construct the proper URL, which is all you need to do in this challenge.

Complete the URL options which will be sent into the the url module's format method. The URL you'll want to construct is the following:


var url = require('url');

options = {
// add URL options here
protocol: "http",
host: 'search.twitter.com',
pathname: '/search.json',
query: {q: "codeschool"}
}; var searchURL = url.format(options);

Next we'll need to include the request module, use that to do a simple web request, and print the returned JSON out to the console. You'll want to check out this example in the readme.

var url = require('url');
var request = require('request'); options = {
protocol: "http:",
host: "search.twitter.com",
pathname: '/search.json',
query: { q: "codeschool"}
}; var searchURL = url.format(options);
request(searchURL, function(err, res, body){
if (!err && res.statusCode == 200) {
console.log(body) // Print the google web page.

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