Stack Segment
Stk db 65535 dup(?)
Stack Ends
Data Segment
ImageBuffer db 65078 dup(?)
ImageSrc db 'bitmap.bmp',0 ;修改同目录下图片的文件名
Eflag db ?
OpenErrorMsg db 'file not found',24h
Not256Color db 'Not a 256 color bitmap',24h
handle dw ?
Data Ends
Code Segment
Assume cs:Code,ds:Data,ss:Stack
mov ax,Data
mov ds,ax
mov di,0 ;修改读取开始的Y坐标
mov si,0 ;修改读取开始的X坐标
mov dx,offset ImageSrc
push si
push di
push dx
call Bitmap
mov ax,0
int 16h
mov ax,4c01h
int 21h
BitMap Proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,20
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
mov dx,[bp+4]
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h ;Open the bitmap file
jnc OpenOk
mov Eflag,0
Error: ;Show error message
cmp Eflag,0
jz OpenError
cmp Eflag,1
jz Not256
mov dx,offset OpenErrorMsg
jmp showtext
mov dx,offset Not256Color
jmp ShowText
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp exit
; ;
; Read first 4 byte of the file in order to get the file size ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
mov bx,ax ;;
mov handle,bx ;;
mov dx,offset ImageBuffer ;;
mov cx,4 ;;
mov ax,3f00h ;;
int 21h ;Read the first 4 byte to memory ;;
mov ax,3e00h ;;
mov bx,handle ;;
int 21h ;Close the bitmap file ;;
; ;
; Read The entire bitmap file to memory ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
mov si,2 ;;
mov cx,[si] ;Save the bitmap file entire size to CX Register ;;
mov dx,[bp+4] ; ;;
mov ax,3d00h ;;
int 21h ;Open the bitmap file again ;;
mov bx,ax ;;
mov handle,bx ;;
mov dx,offset ImageBuffer ;;
mov ax,3f00h ;;
int 21h ;Read the entire bitmap file to memory ;;
mov ax,3e00h ;;
mov bx,handle ;;
int 21h ;Close the bitmap file ;;
; ;
; Save Information to local variable ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ; ;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
mov si,012h ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-2],ax ;Save BmpWidth ;;
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenWidth ;;
mov [bp-6],ax ;Save BytePerRow ;;
mov cl,4 ;;
div cl ;;
cmp ah,0 ;;
jz NoDwAA ;No Dword align adjust ;;
mov cl,4 ;;
sub cl,ah ;;
add [bp-6],cl ;;
NoDwAA: ;;
mov cx,0 ;;
mov [bp-8],cx ;Save LeftCutWidth,Default = 0 ;;
mov si,016h ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-10],ax ;Save BmpHeight ;;
mov [bp-12],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenHeight ;;
mov si,01ch ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-14],ax ;Save BitPerPixel ;;
mov si,0eh ;;
mov ax,[si] ;Save bmpfileheader length ;;
add ax,14 ;;
mov [bp-16],ax ;Save PaletteOffset ;;
mov si,0ah ;;
mov ax,[si] ;;
mov [bp-18],ax ;Save ImgDataOffset ;;
;mov [bp-20],0 ;Save RowOffset ;;
; Seve the value to Local variable
jmp CoorDinateX
jmp exit
mov ax,[bp+6] ;X coordinate
push ax
and ah,80
pop ax
jz PositiveX ;If X coordinate>=0,jump
mov ax,[bp+6]
push ax
not ax
inc ax
mov [bp-8],ax ;Save LeftCutWidth
pop ax
add ax,[bp-2] ;X coordinate add BmpWidth
jnc exitzz ;Exit if X coordinate add BmpWidth < 0
jz exitzz ;Exit if X coordinate add BmpWidth = 0
push ax
mov cx,320
sub cx,ax
mov [bp-20],cx ;Save RowOffset
add ax,[bp-8]
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenWidth + LeftCut
pop ax
mov cx,320
cmp cx,ax
jnc NoWOverf ;No Width Overflow
mov ax,[bp-8]
add ax,320
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save BmpOnScreenWidth = 320 + LeftCutWidth
mov ax,0
mov [bp-20],ax
mov ax,0
mov [bp+6],ax
jmp CoordinateY
cmp ax,320
jnc exitzz
mov cx,320
sub cx,[bp-2]
mov [bp-20],cx
add ax,[bp-2]
mov cx,320
cmp cx,ax
jnc CoordinateY
mov ax,320
sub ax,[bp+6]
mov [bp-4],ax ;Save OnScreenWidth
mov cx,320
sub cx,ax
mov [bp-20],cx ;SaveRowOffset
mov ax,[bp+8] ;Y coordinate
push ax
and ah,80
pop ax
jz PositiveY
add ax,[bp-10]
jnc exitzz1
jz exitzz1
mov [bp-10],ax ;Save BmpHeight
mov [bp-12],ax ;Save OnScreenHeight
mov cx,0
mov [bp+8],cx
mov cx,200
cmp cx,ax
jnc SetInt10 ;No Height Overflow
mov cx,200
mov [bp-12],cx
jmp SetInt10
jmp exit
cmp ax,200
jnc exitzz1
add ax,[bp-10]
mov cx,200
cmp cx,ax
jnc SetInt10
mov ax,200
sub ax,[bp+8]
mov [bp-12],ax
; Set the Palette register and copy image data to video buffer which
; address start at A000:0000.
mov ax,013h
int 10h ;Set Video Mode to 13h
mov dx,03c6h
mov ax,0ffh
out dx,ax
mov si,[bp-16]
mov di,0
mov cx,256
mov dx,03c8h
mov ax,di
out dx,al
mov dx,03c9h
mov al,byte ptr[si+2]
push bx
mov bl,63
mul bl
mov bl,0ffh
div bl
pop bx
out dx,al
mov al,byte ptr[si+1]
push bx
mov bl,63
mul bl
mov bl,0ffh
div bl
pop bx
out dx,al
mov al,byte ptr[si]
push bx
mov bl,63
mul bl
mov bl,0ffh
div bl
pop bx
out dx,al
add si,4
inc di
loop SetPalette
mov ax,0a000h ;Video memory start address
mov es,ax
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov cx,320
mul cx
add ax,[bp+6]
mov di,ax
cmp word ptr[bp-12],0
jz exit
dec word ptr[bp-10]
dec word ptr[bp-12]
mov ax,[bp-10]
mul word ptr[bp-6]
mov bx,ax
add bx,[bp-18]
mov si,0
add si,[bp-8]
cmp si,word ptr[bp-4]
jz horizonend
mov al,[bx][si]
mov es:[di],al
inc si
inc di
jmp horizon
add di,[bp-20]
jmp Vertical
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add sp,20
pop bp
ret 6
Bitmap endp
Code Ends
End Start
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