Live boldly. Push yourself. Don't settle.


Don't indulge in the past, whether it was glorious or gloomy.

Look ahead, live in the present, let bygones be bygones.

Keep on trying, maybe we will find some wonderful things.

We never know where our potential is if we are not willing to challenge ourselves.

Even ordinary people have the potential to be great by continuously challenging themsevles.

Be grateful for the current platform, it is a good place with rapid growth, a good place for me to release energy and witness miracles, of course, miracles of the whole team, including myself.

Hope I have not strayed too far to reclaim my lost time.


From Cao Yu.

Better late than never.

After realizing that we have been left behind or walked on the wrong road, it is no use to lament on our misfortune.

The only way to compensate for our misdeeds may be to get back to the right track and close the gap with our fellows.

Just set up a small achievable goal for my current job first, for instance, to build up a frienly-environments for coding and cross-compiling the enormous-project of our autonomous-driving system.

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