我们使用 linux 文件系统定义的文件属性,能够对linux文件系统进行进一步保护;从而给文件 赋予一些额外的限制;在有些情况下,能够对我们的系统提供保护;

该命令特定用于 linux  extended filesystem (ext2, ext3, ext4),是e2fsprogs 工具的一部分;而e2fsprogs 工具包,包含了创建,检查和维护ext2/3/4-based 文件系统的工具。其也包含badblocks等用于检查文件系统坏块的工具。


 lsattr - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system

比如你可以给 /etc/passwd 文件进行修改,这样就是连root用户都不能更改它的代码;

File attributes on a Linux file system according to the chattr(1) Linux man page (该表格转载自维基百科)
Attribute lsattr flag chattr option Semantics and rationale
Compressed dirty file Z (unavailable)
  • The Z attribute is used by the experimental compression patches to indicate a compressed file is "dirty".
Compression raw access X (unavailable)
  • The X attribute is used by the experimental compression patches to indicate that a raw contents of a compressed file can be accessed directly.
Undeletable u +u to set
-u to clear[note 2]
  • When a file with the u attribute set is deleted, its contents are saved.
  • This allows the user to ask for its undeletion.
Top of directory hierarchy T +T to set
-T to clear
  • A directory with the T attribute will be deemed to be the top of directory hierarchies for the purposes of the Orlov block allocator.
  • This is a hint to the block allocator used by ext3 and ext4 that the subdirectories under this directory are not related, and thus should be spread apart for allocation purposes.
  • For example: it is a very good idea to set the T attribute on the /home directory, so that /home/john and /home/mary are placed into separate block groups.
  • For directories where this attribute is not set, the Orlov block allocator will try to group subdirectories closer together where possible.
No tail-merging t +t to set
-t to clear
  • For those filesystems that support tail-merging, a file with the t attribute will not have a partial block fragment at the end of the file merged with other files.
  • This is necessary for applications such as LILO, which reads the filesystem directly and doesn't understand tail-merged files.
Synchronous updates S +S to set
-S to clear
  • When a file with the S attribute set is modified, the changes are written synchronously on the disk; this is equivalent to the 'sync' mount option applied to a subset of the files.
  • This is equivalent to the sync mount option, applied to a subset of the files.
Secure deletion s +s to set
-s to clear[note 2][note 5]
Data journaling j +j to set
-j to clear[note 4]
  • A file with the j attribute has all of its data written to the ext3 journal before being written to the file itself, if the filesystem is mounted with the "data=ordered" or "data=writeback" options.
  • When the filesystem is mounted with the "data=journal" option all file data is already journaled, so this attribute has no effect.
Indexed directory I (unavailable)
  • The I attribute is used by the htree program code to indicate that a directory is being indexed using hashed trees.
Immutable i +i to set
-i to clear[note 1]
  • A file with the i attribute cannot be modified.
  • It cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to this file and no data can be written to the file.
  • When set, prevents, even the superuser, from erasing or changing the contents of the file.
Huge file h (unavailable)
  • The h attribute indicates the file is storing its blocks in units of the filesystem blocksize instead of in units of sectors.
  • It means that the file is, or at one time was, larger than 2TB.
Compression error E (unavailable)
  • The E attribute is used by the experimental compression patches to indicate that a compressed file has a compression error.
Extent format e (unavailable)
  • The e attribute indicates that the file is using extents for mapping the blocks on disk.
Synchronous directory updates D +D to set
-D to clear
  • When a directory with the D attribute set is modified, the changes are written synchronously on the disk
  • This is equivalent to the dirsync mount option, applied to a subset of the files.
No dump d +d to set
-d to clear
  • A file with the d attribute set is not candidate for backup when the dump program is run.
No Copy-on-Write (CoW) C +C to set
-C to clear[note 3]
  • A file with the C attribute will not be subject to Copy-on-Write updates.
  • Updates to these files may not be subject to atomic snapshots, and may lack some reliability information on some filesystems and kernels.
Compressed c +c to set
-c to clear[note 2]
  • A file with the c attribute set is automatically compressed on the disk by the kernel.
  • A read from this file returns uncompressed data.
  • A write to this file compresses data before storing them on the disk.
No atime updates A +A to set
-A to clear
  • When a file with the A attribute set is accessed, its atime record is not modified.
  • This avoids a certain amount of disk I/O operations.
Append only a +a to set
-a to clear[note 1]
  • A file with the a attribute set can only be open in append mode for writing.
Version / generation number -v -v version
  • File's version/generation number.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chattr (上述表格来自于此)





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关于文件系统扩展属性内容,请参考:Linux 文件系统扩展属性

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