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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. <title>一个基于vue的时钟小demo</title>
  6. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
  7. <style>
  8. .jhc-hour-needle {
  9. z-index: 5;
  10. width: 6%;
  11. height: 25%;
  12. position: absolute;
  13. left: 49%;
  14. bottom: 47%;
  15. transform-origin: center bottom;
  16. background: url(https://jhcan333.github.io/can-Share//image/clock/hourPoint.png) no-repeat;
  17. background-size: 100% 100%;
  18. }
  19. .jhc-min-needle {
  20. z-index: 2;
  21. width: 6%;
  22. height: 30%;
  23. position: absolute;
  24. left: 49%;
  25. bottom: 47%;
  26. transform-origin: center bottom;
  27. background: url(https://jhcan333.github.io/can-Share//image/clock/minPoint.png) no-repeat;
  28. background-size: 100% 100%;
  29. }
  30. .jhc-clock-area {
  31. width: 400px;
  32. height: 400px;
  33. position: relative;
  34. background: #050842;
  35. }
  36. .jhc-clock-back {
  37. width: 100%;
  38. height: 100%;
  39. position: absolute;
  40. top: 0px;
  41. left: 0px;
  42. background: url(https://jhcan333.github.io/can-Share//image/clock/clockBack.png) no-repeat;
  43. background-size: 100% 100%;
  44. }
  45. .jhc-clock-title {
  46. color: #fff;
  47. position: absolute;
  48. bottom: 10px;
  49. width: 100%;
  50. text-align: center;
  51. font-weight: bold;
  52. }
  53. .jhc-clock-dot {
  54. width: 6%;
  55. height: 6%;
  56. border-radius: 50%;
  57. position: absolute;
  58. background-color: #509fef;
  59. z-index: 20;
  60. left: 49%;
  61. top: 50.5%;
  62. box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 1px #000;
  63. }
  64. </style>
  65. </head>
  66. <body>
  67. <div id="app">
  68. </div>
  69. <script>
  70. var app = new Vue({
  71. el: '#app',
  72. template:
  73. `<div ref="area" :class="clockArea">
  74. <div :style="cssClock">
  75. <div :style="cssDotWrap">
  76. <div :style="Object.assign({},{
  77. transform: 'rotateZ('+i*6+'deg)',
  78. height: i%5==0?longDot.height:shourtDot.height,
  79. width: i%5==0?longDot.width:shourtDot.width,
  80. },cssDot)"
  81. v-for="(dot,i) in 60"
  82. ></div>
  83. </div>
  84. <div :style="Object.assign({},{
  85. transform: 'rotateZ('+hour+'deg)'
  86. })"
  87. :class="hourNeedle"
  88. ></div>
  89. <div :style="Object.assign({},{
  90. transform: 'rotateZ('+min+'deg)'
  91. })"
  92. :class="minNeedle"
  93. ></div>
  94. <div :class="clockDot"></div>
  95. <div :class="clockBack"></div>
  96. </div>
  97. <div :class="clockTitle" :style="style">当前时间 {{timeDisplayArea}}</div>
  98. </div>`,
  99. data () {
  100. return {
  101. prefixCss: 'jhc-', // css 前缀
  102. cssClock: { //整个钟的盒子
  103. position: 'absolute',
  104. width: '100%',
  105. height: '100%',
  106. borderRadius: '50%',
  107. },
  108. cssDotWrap: { //装刻度的盒子
  109. width: '100%',
  110. height: '100%'
  111. },
  112. cssDot: { //刻度们
  113. position: 'absolute',
  114. backgroundColor: '#509fef'
  115. },
  116. longDot: { //长刻度
  117. width: '3px',
  118. height: '10px'
  119. },
  120. shourtDot: { //短刻度
  121. width: '1px',
  122. height: '5px'
  123. },
  124. timer: null, //用来标记自适应大小的timer
  125. updateTimer: null, // 更新时钟的timer
  126. style: {
  127. bottom: '1px'
  128. }, //时钟的title的style
  129. scale:0.8, // 时钟占外层的百分比
  130. currTime: new Date() //当前日期对象
  131. }
  132. },
  133. created () {
  134. this.currTime = new Date()
  135. clearInterval(this.updateTimer)
  136. this.updateTimer = setInterval(() => {
  137. this.currTime = new Date()
  138. }, 1000)
  139. },
  140. mounted () {
  141. //设置时钟的大小
  142. this.setSize()
  143. },
  144. beforeDestroy () {
  145. clearInterval(this.updateTimer)
  146. },
  147. methods: {
  148. //设置钟表的型号大小
  149. setSize () {
  150. let width = this.getWidth()
  151. let height = this.getHeight()
  152. //时钟占外层的百分比
  153. let scale = this.scale
  154. //获取较短边
  155. let shortLth = width
  156. if (width > height) {
  157. shortLth = height
  158. }
  159. //对时钟的直径做处理
  160. shortLth = shortLth * scale
  161. //获取到顶部和左部的距离
  162. let paddingW = (width - shortLth) / 2
  163. let paddingH = (height - shortLth) / 2
  164. //设置钟表整体的大小以及位置
  165. this.setStates('cssClock', {
  166. height: shortLth + 'px',
  167. width: shortLth + 'px',
  168. top: paddingH + 'px',
  169. left: paddingW + 'px',
  170. })
  171. //设置刻度所围绕区域的位置
  172. this.setStates('cssDotWrap', {
  173. transform: `translate(${shortLth * 0.52}px,${shortLth * 0.16}px)` // 0.52 和 0.16 是我一点一点挪出来的,啊哈哈
  174. })
  175. //设置长短刻度的半径,以及尺寸
  176. let dotRadius = shortLth * 0.75 / 2 - 1
  177. let longDotWidth = Math.floor(dotRadius / 25) || 2
  178. let longDotHeight = Math.floor(dotRadius / 8) || 6
  179. let shortDotWidth = Math.floor(dotRadius / 50) || 1
  180. let shortDotHeight = Math.floor(dotRadius / 16) || 3
  181. //短刻度
  182. this.shourtDot = {
  183. width: shortDotWidth + 'px',
  184. height: shortDotHeight + 'px'
  185. }
  186. //长刻度
  187. this.longDot = {
  188. width: longDotWidth + 'px',
  189. height: longDotHeight + 'px'
  190. }
  191. //设置刻度旋转点的位置
  192. this.setStates('cssDot', {
  193. transformOrigin: `${0}px ${dotRadius}px`
  194. })
  195. },
  196. getWidth () { //获取指定容器的宽度
  197. return this.getRef('area').offsetWidth || 200
  198. },
  199. getHeight () { //获取指定容器的高度
  200. return this.getRef('area').offsetHeight || 200
  201. },
  202. getRef (ref) { // 获取指定 ref 对象
  203. return this.$refs && this.$refs[ref] || {}
  204. },
  205. //模仿 react 的states
  206. setStates (prop, data) {
  207. let cache = this[prop]
  208. this[prop] = Object.assign({}, cache, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)))
  209. },
  210. },
  211. computed: {
  212. sec () { //将当前秒数转化为秒针旋转的度数
  213. return this.currTime.getSeconds() * 6
  214. },
  215. min () { //将当前的分钟数转化为分针旋转的度数
  216. return this.currTime.getMinutes() * 6 + this.currTime.getSeconds() / 60 * 6
  217. },
  218. hour () { //将当前的小时数转化为时针旋转的度数
  219. return this.currTime.getHours() * 30 + this.currTime.getMinutes() / 60 * 30
  220. },
  221. timeDisplayArea(){ // 时间展示区
  222. let hours = this.currTime.getHours() > 9 ? this.currTime.getHours() : ('0' + this.currTime.getHours())
  223. let minutes = this.currTime.getMinutes() > 9 ? this.currTime.getMinutes() : ('0' + this.currTime.getMinutes())
  224. let seconds = this.currTime.getSeconds() > 9 ? this.currTime.getSeconds() : ('0' + this.currTime.getSeconds())
  225. return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds
  226. },
  227. hourNeedle () { //时针的class
  228. return `${this.prefixCss}hour-needle`
  229. },
  230. minNeedle () { //分针的class
  231. return `${this.prefixCss}min-needle`
  232. },
  233. clockArea () { //表盘的区域
  234. return `${this.prefixCss}clock-area`
  235. },
  236. clockBack () { //时钟的背景(外框图片)
  237. return `${this.prefixCss}clock-back`
  238. },
  239. clockTitle () { //时钟的title的class
  240. return `${this.prefixCss}clock-title`
  241. },
  242. clockDot () { //时钟的中心点
  243. return `${this.prefixCss}clock-dot`
  244. }
  245. },
  246. })
  247. </script>
  248. </body>
  249. </html>




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