Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture Events
This is a list of all Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001)
Name |
Description |
Counters usable |
Unit mask options |
Clock cycles when not halted |
all |
Unhalted reference cycles |
all |
0x01: No unit mask |
number of instructions retired |
all |
Last level cache demand requests from this core that missed the LLC |
all |
0x41: No unit mask |
Last level cache demand requests from this core |
all |
0x4f: No unit mask |
number of branch instructions retired |
all |
number of mispredicted branches retired (precise) |
all |
ld_blocks |
blocked loads |
all |
0x01: (name=data_unknown) blocked loads due to store buffer blocks with unknown data. 0x02: (name=store_forward) loads blocked by overlapping with store buffer that cannot be forwarded 0x08: (name=no_sr) This event counts the number of times that split load operations are temporarily blocked because all resources for handling the split accesses are in use. 0x10: (name=all_block) Number of cases where any load is blocked but has no DCU miss. |
misalign_mem_ref |
Misaligned memory references |
all |
0x01: (name=loads) Speculative cache-line split load uops dispatched to the L1D. 0x02: (name=stores) Speculative cache-line split Store-address uops dispatched to L1D |
ld_blocks_partial |
Partial loads |
all |
0x01: (name=address_alias) False dependencies in MOB due to partial compare on address 0x08: (name=all_sta_block) This event counts the number of times that load operations are temporarily blocked because of older stores, with addresses that are not yet known. A load operation may incur more than one block of this type. |
dtlb_load_misses |
D-TLB misses |
all |
0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Miss in all TLB levels causes an page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G) 0x02: (name=walk_completed) Miss in all TLB levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G) 0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles PMH is busy with this walk 0x10: (name=stlb_hit) First level miss but second level hit; no page walk. |
int_misc |
Instruction decoder events |
all |
0x40: (name=rat_stall_cycles) Cycles Resource Allocation Table (RAT) external stall is sent to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) for this thread. 0x03: (name=recovery_cycles) Number of cycles waiting to be recover after Nuke due to all other cases except JEClear. 0x03: (name=recovery_stalls_count) Edge applied to recovery_cycles, thus counts occurrences. |
uops_issued |
Number of Uops issued |
all |
0x01: (name=any) Number of Uops issued by the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) to the Reservation Station (RS) 0x01: (name=stall_cycles) cycles no uops issued by this thread. |
arith |
Misc ALU events |
all |
0x01: (name=fpu_div_active) Cycles that the divider is busy with any divide or sqrt operation. 0x01: (name=fpu_div) Number of times that the divider is actived, includes INT, SIMD and FP. |
insts_written_to_iq |
Number of instructions written to Instruction Queue (IQ) this cycle. |
all |
0x01: No unit mask |
l2_rqsts |
Requests from L2 cache |
all |
0x01: (name=demand_data_rd_hit) Demand Data Read hit L2, no rejects 0x04: (name=rfo_hit) RFO requests that hit L2 cache 0x08: (name=rfo_miss) RFO requests that miss L2 cache 0x10: (name=code_rd_hit) L2 cache hits when fetching instructions, code reads. 0x20: (name=code_rd_miss) L2 cache misses when fetching instructions 0x40: (name=pf_hit) Requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers that hit L2 cache 0x80: (name=pf_miss) Requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers that miss L2 cache 0x03: (name=all_demand_data_rd) Any data read request to L2 cache 0x0c: (name=all_rfo) Any data RFO request to L2 cache 0x30: (name=all_code_rd) Any code read request to L2 cache 0xc0: (name=all_pf) Any L2 HW prefetch request to L2 cache |
l2_store_lock_rqsts |
L2 cache store lock requests |
all |
0x0f: (name=all) RFOs that access cache lines in any state 0x01: (name=miss) RFO (as a result of regular RFO or Lock request) miss cache - I state 0x04: (name=hit_e) RFO (as a result of regular RFO or Lock request) hits cache in E state 0x08: (name=hit_m) RFO (as a result of regular RFO or Lock request) hits cache in M state |
l2_l1d_wb_rqsts |
writebacks from L1D to the L2 cache |
all |
0x04: (name=hit_e) writebacks from L1D to L2 cache lines in E state |
0x01: (name=pending) Cycles with L1D load Misses outstanding. 0x01: (name=occurences) This event counts the number of L1D misses outstanding occurences. |
dtlb_store_misses |
D-TLB store misses |
all |
0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Miss in all TLB levels causes an page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G) 0x02: (name=walk_completed) Miss in all TLB levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G) 0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles PMH is busy with this walk 0x10: (name=stlb_hit) First level miss but second level hit; no page walk. Only relevant if multiple levels. |
load_hit_pre |
Load dispatches that hit fill buffer |
all |
0x01: (name=sw_pf) Load dispatches that hit fill buffer allocated for S/W prefetch. 0x02: (name=hw_pf) Load dispatches that hit fill buffer allocated for HW prefetch. |
hw_pre_req |
Hardware Prefetch requests |
all |
0x02: No unit mask |
l1d |
L1D cache events |
all |
0x01: (name=replacement) L1D Data line replacements. 0x02: (name=allocated_in_m) L1D M-state Data Cache Lines Allocated 0x04: (name=eviction) L1D M-state Data Cache Lines Evicted due to replacement (only) 0x08: (name=all_m_replacement) All Modified lines evicted out of L1D |
partial_rat_stalls |
Partial RAT stalls |
all |
0x20: (name=flags_merge_uop) Number of perf sensitive flags-merge uops added by Sandy Bridge u-arch. 0x40: (name=slow_lea_window) Number of cycles with at least 1 slow Load Effective Address (LEA) uop being allocated. 0x80: (name=mul_single_uop) Number of Multiply packed/scalar single precision uops allocated 0x20: (name=flags_merge_uop_cycles) Cycles with perf sensitive flags-merge uops added by SandyBridge u-arch. |
resource_stalls2 |
Misc resource stalls |
all |
0x40: (name=bob_full) Cycles Allocator is stalled due Branch Order Buffer (BOB). 0x0f: (name=all_prf_control) Resource stalls2 control structures full for physical registers 0x0c: (name=all_fl_empty) Cycles with either free list is empty 0x4f: (name=ooo_rsrc) Resource stalls2 control structures full Physical Register Reclaim Table (PRRT), Physical History Table (PHT), INT or SIMD Free List (FL), Branch Order Buffer (BOB) |
cpl_cycles |
Unhalted core cycles in specific rings |
all |
0x01: (name=ring0) Unhalted core cycles the Thread was in Rings 0. 0x01: (name=ring0_trans) Transitions from ring123 to Ring0. 0x02: (name=ring123) Unhalted core cycles the Thread was in Rings 1/2/3. |
rs_events |
Events for the reservation station |
all |
0x01: No unit mask |
offcore_requests_outstanding |
Offcore outstanding transactions |
all |
0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. Includes L1D data hardware prefetches. 0x01: (name=cycles_with_demand_data_rd) cycles there are Offcore outstanding RD data transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore. 0x02: (name=demand_code_rd) Offcore outstanding Code Reads transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. 0x04: (name=demand_rfo) Offcore outstanding RFO (store) transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. 0x08: (name=all_data_rd) Offcore outstanding all cacheable Core Data Read transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. 0x08: (name=cycles_with_data_rd) Cycles there are Offcore outstanding all Data read transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. 0x02: (name=cycles_with_demand_code_rd) Cycles with offcore outstanding Code Reads transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. 0x04: (name=cycles_with_demand_rfo) Cycles with offcore outstanding demand RFO Reads transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. |
lock_cycles |
Cycles due to LOCK prefixes. |
all |
0x01: (name=split_lock_uc_lock_duration) Cycles in which the L1D and L2 are locked, due to a UC lock or split lock 0x02: (name=cache_lock_duration) cycles that theL1D is locked |
idq |
Instruction Decode Queue events |
all |
0x02: (name=empty) Cycles the Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) is empty. 0x04: (name=mite_uops) Number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MITE path. 0x08: (name=dsb_uops) Number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path. 0x10: (name=ms_dsb_uops) Number of Uops delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) when MS_Busy, initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB). 0x20: (name=ms_mite_uops) Number of Uops delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) when MS_Busy, initiated by MITE. 0x30: (name=ms_uops) Number of Uops were delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MS, initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) or MITE. 0x30: (name=ms_cycles) Number of cycles that Uops were delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) when MS_Busy, initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) or MITE. 0x04: (name=mite_cycles) Cycles MITE is active 0x08: (name=dsb_cycles) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is active 0x10: (name=ms_dsb_cycles) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Microcode Sequenser (MS) is active 0x10: (name=ms_dsb_occur) Occurences of Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Microcode Sequenser (MS) going active 0x18: (name=all_dsb_cycles_any_uops) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is delivering anything 0x18: (name=all_dsb_cycles_4_uops) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is delivering 4 Uops 0x24: (name=all_mite_cycles_any_uops) Cycles MITE is delivering anything 0x24: (name=all_mite_cycles_4_uops) Cycles MITE is delivering 4 Uops 0x3c: (name=mite_all_uops) Number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from any path. |
icache |
Instruction cache events |
all |
0x02: No unit mask |
itlb_misses |
I-TLB misses |
all |
0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Miss in all TLB levels causes an page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M) 0x02: (name=walk_completed) Miss in all TLB levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size (4K/2M/4M) 0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles PMH is busy with this walk. 0x10: (name=stlb_hit) First level miss but second level hit; no page walk. |
ild_stall |
Instruction decoding stalls |
all |
0x01: (name=lcp) Stall "occurrences" due to length changing prefixes (LCP). 0x04: (name=iq_full) Stall cycles when instructions cannot be written because the Instruction Queue (IQ) is full. |
br_inst_exec |
Branch instructions |
all |
0xff: (name=all_branches) All branch instructions executed. 0x41: (name=nontaken_conditional) All macro conditional nontaken branch instructions. 0x81: (name=taken_conditional) All macro conditional taken branch instructions. 0x82: (name=taken_direct_jump) All macro unconditional taken branch instructions, excluding calls and indirects. 0x84: (name=taken_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All taken indirect branches that are not calls nor returns. 0x88: (name=taken_indirect_near_return) All taken indirect branches that have a return mnemonic. 0x90: (name=taken_direct_near_call) All taken non-indirect calls. 0xa0: (name=taken_indirect_near_call) All taken indirect calls, including both register and memory indirect. 0xc1: (name=all_conditional) All macro conditional branch instructions. 0xc2: (name=all_direct_jmp) All macro unconditional branch instructions, excluding calls and indirects 0xc4: (name=all_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All indirect branches that are not calls nor returns. 0xc8: (name=all_indirect_near_return) All indirect return branches. 0xd0: (name=all_direct_near_call) All non-indirect calls executed. |
br_misp_exec |
Mispredicted branch instructions |
all |
0xff: (name=all_branches) All mispredicted branch instructions executed. 0x41: (name=nontaken_conditional) All nontaken mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions. 0x81: (name=taken_conditional) All taken mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions. 0x84: (name=taken_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All taken mispredicted indirect branches that are not calls nor returns. 0x88: (name=taken_return_near) All taken mispredicted indirect branches that have a return mnemonic. 0x90: (name=taken_direct_near_call) All taken mispredicted non-indirect calls. 0xa0: (name=taken_indirect_near_call) All taken mispredicted indirect calls, including both register and memory indirect. 0xc1: (name=all_conditional) All mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions. 0xc4: (name=all_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All mispredicted indirect branches that are not calls nor returns. 0xd0: (name=all_direct_near_call) All mispredicted non-indirect calls |
idq_uops_not_delivered |
uops not delivered to IDQ. |
all |
0x01: (name=core) Count number of non-delivered uops to Resource Allocation Table (RAT). 0x01: (name=cycles_0_uops_deliv.core) Counts the cycles no uops were delivered 0x01: (name=cycles_le_1_uop_deliv.core) Counts the cycles less than 1 uops were delivered 0x01: (name=cycles_le_2_uop_deliv.core) Counts the cycles less than 2 uops were delivered 0x01: (name=cycles_le_3_uop_deliv.core) Counts the cycles less than 3 uops were delivered 0x01: (name=cycles_ge_1_uop_deliv.core) Cycles when 1 or more uops were delivered to the by the front end. 0x01: (name=cycles_fe_was_ok) Counts cycles FE delivered 4 uops or Resource Allocation Table (RAT) was stalling FE. |
uops_dispatched_port |
Count on which ports uops are dispatched. |
all |
0x01: (name=port_0) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 0 0x02: (name=port_1) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 1 0x04: (name=port_2_ld) Cycles which a load Uop is dispatched on port 2 0x08: (name=port_2_sta) Cycles which a STA Uop is dispatched on port 2 0x10: (name=port_3_ld) Cycles which a load Uop is dispatched on port 3 0x20: (name=port_3_sta) Cycles which a STA Uop is dispatched on port 3 0x40: (name=port_4) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 4 0x80: (name=port_5) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 5 0x0c: (name=port_2) Uops disptached to port 2, loads and stores (speculative and retired) 0x30: (name=port_3) Uops disptached to port 3, loads and stores (speculative and retired) 0x0c: (name=port_2_core) Uops disptached to port 2, loads and stores per core (speculative and retired) 0x30: (name=port_3_core) Uops disptached to port 3, loads and stores per core (speculative and retired) |
resource_stalls |
Core resource stalls |
all |
0x01: (name=any) Cycles Allocation is stalled due to Resource Related reason. 0x02: (name=lb) Cycles Allocator is stalled due to Load Buffer full 0x04: (name=rs) Stall due to no eligible Reservation Station (RS) entry available. 0x08: (name=sb) Cycles Allocator is stalled due to Store Buffer full (not including draining from synch). 0x10: (name=rob) ROB full cycles. 0x0e: (name=mem_rs) Resource stalls due to LB, SB or Reservation Station (RS) being completely in use 0xf0: (name=ooo_rsrc) Resource stalls due to Rob being full, FCSW, MXCSR and OTHER 0x0a: (name=lb_sb) Resource stalls due to load or store buffers |
dsb2mite_switches |
Number of Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) to MITE switches |
all |
0x01: (name=count) Number of Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) to MITE switches 0x02: (name=penalty_cycles) Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switch true penalty cycles. |
dsb_fill |
DSB fill events |
all |
0x02: (name=other_cancel) Count number of times a valid DSB fill has been actually cancelled for any reason. 0x08: (name=exceed_dsb_lines) Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Fill encountered > 3 Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) lines. 0x0a: (name=all_cancel) Count number of times a valid Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) fill has been actually cancelled for any reason. |
itlb |
ITLB events |
all |
0x01: No unit mask |
offcore_requests |
Requests sent outside the core |
all |
0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests sent to uncore 0x02: (name=demand_code_rd) Offcore Code read requests. Includes Cacheable and Un-cacheables. 0x04: (name=demand_rfo) Offcore Demand RFOs. Includes regular RFO, Locks, ItoM. 0x08: (name=all_data_rd) Offcore Demand and prefetch data reads returned to the core. |
uops_dispatched |
uops dispatched |
all |
0x01: (name=thread) Counts total number of uops to be dispatched per-thread each cycle. 0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Counts number of cycles no uops were dispatced to be executed on this thread. 0x02: (name=core) Counts total number of uops dispatched from any thread |
offcore_requests_buffer |
Offcore requests buffer events |
all |
0x01: No unit mask |
agu_bypass_cancel |
AGU bypass cancel |
all |
0x01: No unit mask |
tlb_flush |
TLB flushes |
all |
0x01: (name=dtlb_thread) Count number of DTLB flushes of thread-specific entries. 0x20: (name=stlb_any) Count number of any STLB flushes |
l1d_blocks |
L1D cache blocking events |
all |
0x01: (name=ld_bank_conflict) Any dispatched loads cancelled due to DCU bank conflict |
0x01: No unit mask |
other_assists |
Instructions that needed an assist |
all |
0x02: (name=itlb_miss_retired) Instructions that experienced an ITLB miss. Non Pebs 0x10: (name=avx_to_sse) Number of transitions from AVX-256 to legacy SSE when penalty applicable Non Pebs 0x20: (name=sse_to_avx) Number of transitions from legacy SSE to AVX-256 when penalty applicable Non Pebs |
uops_retired |
uops that actually retired. |
all |
0x01: (name=all) All uops that actually retired. 0x02: (name=retire_slots) number of retirement slots used non PEBS 0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Cycles no executable uops retired 0x01: (name=total_cycles) Number of cycles using always true condition applied to non PEBS uops retired event. |
machine_clears |
Number of Machine Clears detected. |
all |
0x02: (name=memory_ordering) Number of Memory Ordering Machine Clears detected. 0x04: (name=smc) Number of Self-modifying code (SMC) Machine Clears detected. 0x20: (name=maskmov) Number of AVX masked mov Machine Clears detected. |
br_inst_retired |
Counts branch instructions retired |
all |
0x01: (name=conditional) Counts all taken and not taken macro conditional branch instructions. 0x02: (name=near_call) Counts all macro direct and indirect near calls. non PEBS 0x08: (name=near_return) This event counts the number of near ret instructions retired. 0x10: (name=not_taken) Counts all not taken macro branch instructions retired. 0x20: (name=near_taken) Counts the number of near branch taken instructions retired. 0x40: (name=far_branch) Counts the number of far branch instructions retired. 0x04: (name=all_branches_ps) Counts all taken and not taken macro branches including far branches.(Precise Event) 0x02: (name=near_call_r3) Ring123 only near calls (non precise) 0x02: (name=near_call_r3_ps) Ring123 only near calls (precise event) |
br_misp_retired |
Counts mispredicted branch instructions |
all |
0x01: (name=conditional) All mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions. 0x02: (name=near_call) All macro direct and indirect near calls 0x10: (name=not_taken) number of branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and not-taken. 0x20: (name=taken) number of branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and taken. 0x04: (name=all_branches_ps) all macro branches (Precise Event) |
fp_assist |
Counts floating point assists |
all |
0x1e: (name=any) Counts any FP_ASSIST umask was incrementing. 0x02: (name=x87_output) output - Numeric Overflow, Numeric Underflow, Inexact Result 0x04: (name=x87_input) input - Invalid Operation, Denormal Operand, SNaN Operand 0x08: (name=simd_output) Any output SSE* FP Assist - Numeric Overflow, Numeric Underflow. |
0x02: No unit mask |
mem_uops_retired |
Count uops with memory accessed retired |
all |
0x11: (name=stlb_miss_loads) STLB misses dues to retired loads 0x12: (name=stlb_miss_stores) STLB misses dues to retired stores 0x21: (name=lock_loads) Locked retired loads 0x41: (name=split_loads) Retired loads causing cacheline splits 0x42: (name=split_stores) Retired stores causing cacheline splits 0x81: (name=all_loads) Any retired loads 0x82: (name=all_stores) Any retired stores |
mem_load_uops_retired |
Memory load uops. |
all |
0x01: (name=l1_hit) Load hit in nearest-level (L1D) cache 0x02: (name=l2_hit) Load hit in mid-level (L2) cache 0x04: (name=llc_hit) Load hit in last-level (L3) cache with no snoop needed 0x40: (name=hit_lfb) A load missed L1D but hit the Fill Buffer |
mem_load_uops_llc_hit_retired |
Memory load uops with LLC (Last level cache) hit |
all |
0x01: (name=xsnp_miss) Load LLC Hit and a cross-core Snoop missed in on-pkg core cache 0x02: (name=xsnp_hit) Load LLC Hit and a cross-core Snoop hits in on-pkg core cache 0x04: (name=xsnp_hitm) Load had HitM Response from a core on same socket (shared LLC). 0x08: (name=xsnp_none) Load hit in last-level (L3) cache with no snoop needed. |
mem_load_uops_misc_retired |
Memory load uops retired |
all |
0x02: No unit mask |
l2_trans |
L2 cache accesses |
all |
0x80: (name=all_requests) Transactions accessing L2 pipe 0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests that access L2 cache, includes L1D prefetches. 0x02: (name=rfo) RFO requests that access L2 cache 0x04: (name=code_rd) L2 cache accesses when fetching instructions including L1D code prefetches 0x08: (name=all_pf) L2 or LLC HW prefetches that access L2 cache 0x10: (name=l1d_wb) L1D writebacks that access L2 cache 0x20: (name=l2_fill) L2 fill requests that access L2 cache 0x40: (name=l2_wb) L2 writebacks that access L2 cache |
l2_lines_in |
L2 cache lines in |
all |
0x07: (name=all) L2 cache lines filling L2 0x01: (name=i) L2 cache lines in I state filling L2 0x02: (name=s) L2 cache lines in S state filling L2 0x04: (name=e) L2 cache lines in E state filling L2 |
l2_lines_out |
L2 cache lines out |
all |
0x01: (name=demand_clean) Clean line evicted by a demand 0x02: (name=demand_dirty) Dirty line evicted by a demand 0x04: (name=pf_clean) Clean line evicted by an L2 Prefetch 0x08: (name=pf_dirty) Dirty line evicted by an L2 Prefetch 0x0a: (name=dirty_all) Any Dirty line evicted |
sq_misc |
Store queue misc events |
all |
0x10: No unit mask |
源文档 <>
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- centos使用android studio遇到的一些问题
1.下载完成后进入bin目录启动 ./studio 2. 由于google被墙,SDK 下载不了, 照此教程添加下载源 ...
- jenkins自动化部署项目8 -- 新建job(服务代码部署在linux上)
jenkins(windows) ----> 应用服务器(linux): 1.后台java服务: 与部署在windows上不同的是,这里我选择了在[构建后操作]中使用ssh向远程linux服务器 ...
- 暑期——第九周总结(1,林子雨老师关于hdfs eclipse案例报错问题【已解决】)
所花时间:7天 代码行:1000(Java)+500(Python)+300(C++) 博客量:1篇 了解到知识点 : 一: 解决"Class org.apache.hadoop.hdfs. ...
- connection pool exhausted
1.发现问题 生产环境发现有一些redis报错日志 connection pool exhausted.如果redis中没有数据 就直接回源 查DB.暂时不会有什么大问题.中文意思是连接池耗尽. 2. ...
- JAVA Atm测试实验心得
通过一个假期的自学,完成了老师布置的样卷任务.使用Escipse编写一个学生成绩的管理系统. 一开始两眼摸黑,通过观看Java课程的视频,地址: ...
- visual 技术内幕 第6版 附带的程序如何在vs2013中编译成功
看vc++技术内幕时 如果你使用的是比此书的附带项目更新版的vs时千万不要使用这种方法,这些对编译都有影响. 请使用当前新版的vs并输入书中改动的代码就Ok,因为vs会生成合理的mfc代码,养成好的习 ...