POJ 1949 Chores
Farmer John has a list of N (3 <= N <= 10,000) chores that must be completed. Each chore requires an integer time (1 <= length of time <= 100) to complete and there may be other chores that must be completed before this chore is started. We will call these prerequisite chores. At least one chore has no prerequisite: the very first one, number 1. Farmer John's list of chores is nicely ordered, and chore K (K > 1) can have only chores 1,.K-1 as prerequisites. Write a program that reads a list of chores from 1 to N with associated times and all perquisite chores. Now calculate the shortest time it will take to complete all N chores. Of course, chores that do not depend on each other can be performed simultaneously.
* Lines 2..N+1: N lines, each with several space-separated integers. Line 2 contains chore 1; line 3 contains chore 2, and so on. Each line contains the length of time to complete the chore, the number of the prerequisites, Pi, (0 <= Pi <= 100), and the Pi prerequisites (range 1..N, of course).
Sample Input
5 0
1 1 1
3 1 2
6 1 1
1 2 2 4
8 2 2 4
4 3 3 5 6
Sample Output
[Here is one task schedule:
Chore 1 starts at time 0, ends at time 5.
Chore 2 starts at time 5, ends at time 6.
Chore 3 starts at time 6, ends at time 9.
Chore 4 starts at time 5, ends at time 11.
Chore 5 starts at time 11, ends at time 12.
Chore 6 starts at time 11, ends at time 19.
Chore 7 starts at time 19, ends at time 23.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const int maxn=10005;
int c[maxn],n[maxn],dp[maxn]; int main()
int N,temp,sum=-maxn;
memset(dp,0,sizeof dp);
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
if(i==1) dp[i]=c[i];
int max=-maxn;
if(n[i]==0) dp[i]=c[i];
for(int j=0;j<n[i];j++)
if(dp[temp]>max) max=dp[temp];
if(dp[i]>sum) sum=dp[i];
return 0;
} /*
5 0
1 1 1
3 1 2
6 1 1
1 2 2 4
8 2 2 4
4 3 3 5 6
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