HDU6028:Forgiveness(TLE ing,占位)
Problem Description
Little Q is now checking whether string A matches B. Two strings are considered matched if they have the same length, and there are
no position i that Ai is different from Bi.
However, Little Q is a kind man, he forgives every person hurt him. What's more, he even forgives strings! He gives the string 3
opportunities, if there are no more than 3 positions i that Ai is different from Bi, then Little Q will also consider the two strings
For a string S, S[l,r] means the substring combined by Sl,Sl+,...,Sr. And the function occ(A,B) returns the number of substrings
in string B which matches A.
Little Q now has a long numeric -based string S, and his job is to deal with m operations: . + l r k, for every positions from l to r, change Si to (Si+k)mod10.
. ? l r T, report occ(T,S[l,r]). After lots of work, Little Q is very tired now, please write a program to help him deal with these operations. Input
The first line of the input contains an integer T(≤T≤), denoting the number of test cases.
In each test case, there are two integers n(≤n≤) and m(≤m≤) in the first line, denoting the length of string S and the
number of operations.
The second line of the input contains a numeric string S with n integers, each number Si is in the range of to .
In the following m lines, each line describes an operation.
If it is a modification, then it is in the format of ''+ l r k'', where ≤l≤r≤n and ≤k≤.
If it is a query, then it is in the format of ''? l r T'', where ≤l≤r≤n and T is a numeric string composed of integers from to .
It is guaranteed that ∑|T|≤ in each test case, and there are no more than test cases satisfying min(n,m)>. Output
For each query, print a single line with an integer, denoting the answer. Sample Input ?
? Sample Output
超时思路:用bitset的思路去做的,每次记录T的相应位置[0,L-1]的集合,一位一位的移、求并,对于出现的失配位置,我们最多可以更新3次。假设数据小一点,没准可以过。 主要还是修改操作那里太暴力的,单点操作的题是遇到过了。
( :D, 虽然是个超时代码,但是我觉得能想出来这个不算太暴力的方法也算不错啦。以后没准能用上。
using namespace std;
const int maxn=;
int s[][maxn],ans[maxn],tans[maxn];
char a[maxn],c[maxn],opt[];
int times[maxn];
int main()
int T,N,M,L;
int i,j,l,r,k;
for(i=;i<;i++) for(j=;j<=N;j++) s[i][j]=;
for(i=;i<=N;i++) s[a[i]-''][i]=;
else {
if(L>r-l+) {
puts(""); continue;
for(i=l;i<=r;i++) times[i]=;
for(i=l;i<=r;i++) ans[i]=;//全部为1
for(j=l;j<=r;j++) tans[j]=ans[j];
times[j]++; ans[j]=;
int res=;
for(i=l;i<=r-L+;i++) if(ans[i]) res++;
return ;
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