#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node
int data;
Node *next;
Node(int d = int()) :data(d), next(NULL){}
class List
List(int a[], int n)
first = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (first == NULL)
first = new Node(a[i]);
Node *s = new Node(a[i]);
Node *p = first;
while (p->next != NULL)
p = p->next;
s->next = p->next;
p->next = s;
void Bul()
Node *ptr_one = first;
Node *ptr_twe;
Node *pr_one = NULL;
Node *save = NULL;
if (ptr_one == NULL || ptr_one->next == NULL)return;
while (ptr_one != NULL && ptr_one->next != NULL)
Node *pr_twe = ptr_one;
Node *m2 = NULL;
save = ptr_one;
for (ptr_twe = ptr_one->next; ptr_twe != NULL;)
{ if (ptr_one->data > ptr_twe->data)
if (pr_one == NULL)
Node *m1;
Node *a;
m1 = ptr_twe->next;
m2 = ptr_one->next; first->next = m1;
pr_twe->next = first;
a = first;
ptr_twe->next = m2;
first = ptr_twe; save = ptr_twe; ptr_twe = a;
ptr_one = first;
Swap(pr_one, pr_twe);
save = pr_one->next;
ptr_one = save;
ptr_twe = pr_twe->next;
pr_twe = ptr_twe;
if (ptr_twe == NULL)continue;
ptr_twe = ptr_twe->next;
pr_one = save; ptr_one = pr_one->next;
void Swap(Node *prv1, Node *&prv2)
if (prv1->next == prv2)
Node *m = prv1->next;
Node *n = prv2->next;
m->next = n->next;
n->next = m;
prv1->next = n;
prv2 = n;
Node *m1 = prv1->next;
Node *save = m1->next;
Node *m2 = prv2->next;
m1->next = m2->next;
prv2->next = m1;
m2->next = save;
prv1->next = m2;
} void Printf()
Node *p = first;
while (p != NULL)
cout << p->data << " ";
p = p->next;
cout << endl;
Node *GetMidNode(Node* Start_Ptr)
Node *slow = Start_Ptr;
Node *fast = Start_Ptr;
if (Start_Ptr == NULL || Start_Ptr->next == NULL || Start_Ptr->next->next==NULL)return Start_Ptr;
while (fast != NULL)
if (fast->next == NULL)
fast = fast->next->next;
slow = slow->next;
return slow;
void Merge()
Node* Merge(Node *Start_Ptr)
if (Start_Ptr==NULL || Start_Ptr->next == NULL) return Start_Ptr;
Node *Mid_Ptr = GetMidNode(Start_Ptr);
Node *Next_Ptr = Mid_Ptr->next;
Mid_Ptr->next = NULL;
return Merage(Merge(Start_Ptr),Merge(Next_Ptr));
Node* Merage(Node *ptr1, Node *ptr2)
Node* p1 = ptr1;
Node *p2 = ptr2;
Node *p = new Node();
Node *save = p;
while (p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL)
if (p1->data > p2->data)
p = p2;
p2 = p2->next;
p->next = p1;
p = p1;
p1 = p1->next;
if (p1 == NULL)
p->next = p2;
if (p2 == NULL)
p->next = p1;
first = save->next;
delete save;
save = NULL;
return first;
void Insert()
Node *ptr_first = first;
Node *pr_first;
Node *ptr_twe;
Node *pr_twe;
Node *save;
for (; ptr_first != NULL;pr_first = ptr_first)
save = ptr_first->next;
if (ptr_first == first)
ptr_twe = ptr_first;
ptr_twe->next = NULL;
first = ptr_twe;
Node *p = ptr_twe; Node *q = ptr_first;
while (p!=NULL&&p->data<q->data)
pr_twe = p;
p = p->next;
if (p == first)
q->next = p;
ptr_twe = q;
first = ptr_twe; }
else if(p == NULL)
pr_twe->next = q;
q->next = NULL;
q->next = pr_twe->next;
pr_twe->next = q;
ptr_first = save;
Node *first;
int main()
int a[] = { 6,7,2,1,0,7,5,23,4,5,423,4,100,-32,4,-3,1};
List list(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int));
return 0;


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